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Posts posted by justin_garrett

  1. As the title states one of the foam surround's on my speaker's are starting to tear and i was wanting to know some tried and true ways i have done some searching on here and i have seen people say to use fingernail polish, goop, ca glue, bicycle tire repair patch i'm not for sure if it was on a rubber or foam surround though and the tear is horizontal not vertical on the surround.

    But what have you guys used personally and how well did it work.

    And as far as i know there are no recones available for my sub's

  2. OK i'm going to be building a box for a friend of mine sometime and he has 4 15's that are mtx thunder 8000's and was wanting some thoughts of the box i design i did for it

    here are the spec's for it

    415.jpgdo you think i have enough port area

    here is the box ( the bright colors are just to show the different boards and where the port is)




  3. the amp is a mono block and its the only one in the car i dont think i blew the radio up because everything else works im just getting the noise from the amp and subs just with this head unit when i putt the old one back in its gone thats why im stumped about it ill try running a ground from the body to the back of the head unit and see if that help's but im not for sure about how i would ground out the rca shield's on the subwoofer rca's

  4. 2 vibe space 12's in a prefab sealed box off a vibe bass 5 amp running 2 ohms pushing about 1500rms

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  5. i'm have a feedback problem with my subs and amp ive had them in my car now for a couple of weeks and they where working fine but today i decided to take the head unit out of my wifes car and put it in mine and i got eveything hooked up and now im geting feedback i know the rca outputs are good becuse there is a system in my wifes car and it worked fine in there so im stumped and cant figure it out so does anybody have any ideals of what it could be

    here is the headunit i just put in http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Pro...ers/DEH-P2900MP

    here is the one i took out http://www.docs.sony.com/release/specs/CDX..._Spec_Sheet.pdf

  6. sending it in is the best way to go or he can wrap it in towels and turn it on for a quick fix that might last a little while the main problem with them is the fan setup and the heat sink paste they cheeped out on that stuff to try and getting it out faster to compete with the ps3 the problem with the heat sink paste is that when you play for a long period of time is it heats up and comes loose so the prosscer (sp?) over heats and causes it to shut down the towel trick heats it up to try and get a better contact on it it works sometimes but not always and it don't void the warranty because its not been taking apart i hope this helps understand the problem a little better

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