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hertz hurts

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Posts posted by hertz hurts

  1. Yeah I'm no engineer and don't need a 200mhz, 100ms sampleing, 6 channel scope. I'm an auto tech so I'm just going to be using it for scopeing primary and secondary ignition systems, sensors, alts, and some car audio setups. The best part is work is paying for it, up to $300.

  2. I have been wanting to get me a handlheld scope. I have been looking around on the net and was wanting some input from those of you that have used them. What do you think of these:




    The first and second one have 12 mhz bandwidth, which is more than the 440 that Meade uses. I also found the one that Meade uses here, a little cheaper than in the link he has posted:


    Let me know what you guy's think.

  3. Well if I can get good enough feed back on it, I'm going to build it and start a build log. The back of the box is where I'm going to build the amp rack, over top of the bottom part where the "L" sticks out. Thinking about floating the amps there. Not sure yet. I'm decent at metal fabrication so I might make same floating racks with metal. Either that or it will just be a wall with a cover panel all carpeted in.

  4. Got it figured out now. Thanks guy's. I'm at work now and the sketch is on my laptop at home. I'll post it up tonight.

    If the box works it will be a tline mini blow through, I guess. Not really sure what eles to call it. 2 Kicker solo l7 12's, 100 square inches at 8.3 ft long, 34hz. Hopefully it will work the way I have it designed.

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