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Posts posted by fox_racin4

  1. may pick up a UFO style BTL with the single slug ( NOT the 4 smaller pie shapped slugs) and it has a carck.. IIRC they were known for cracking which is why they switched to the 4 pie shapped slugs, what glue can i use to just.. reinforce the crack?

  2. my vote is for sundown z3 they will loosen up over time and you could always add more power :P

    will not be adding more power... 20k is still more then enough cant even turn it up yet with the SAs lol

    the D1 Fi coils would put me at .94 strapped id like to stay with D2 and be at .7 strapped

  3. Get a friend, Put multimeter on amp inputs See what voltage is with car off Have friend turn car on and see what voltage does

    Your inline fuse may look good but could be blown, and still letting a small amount of power threw, then when you power amp up voltage drops and protects amp

  4. The last vid does rip the shit out of it!

    Link to BL


    Thanks :good:

    Dude better keep it to the track though...he lives near me and we have some pretty strict street racing laws...if you're caught doing 50 km/h over the limit (limit on the highway is 100km/h) you get an instant 7-day impounding of your vehicle, a fine of up to $10,000, and a minimum 7-day license suspension. Cops are all over the place in Ontario like flies on shit.

    Where you at? Im in Windsor ontario

  5. Thats on roughly 15psi Will eventually have around 25-30psi Ultimate sleeper as well... The downpipe has a 4" cutout or the stock exhaust lol I was in the car the 2jz came out of, jesus christ lol roll racing from 50mph was useless broke loose into 4th gear Once the solstice is finished it should be pretty quick

  6. They are rated at 1500rms.. Doesnt mean they wont take more My sa10s didnt even move on 600rms 1599 was perfect till they really loosend up lol

    yea my 95 doenst move for shit even on like 25 hz

    I had 2 freshly reconed DD9512Fs with G basket/soft parts, 3k was bottoming it out, and suspension was loose as shit after 2 weeks no broken glue joints, needless to say that was my first and last experiance with DD they sold me CF dustcaps for $40ea and they were ovals!

    Anyways Hopefully i hear back fron Fi/AA soon

    interesting. i ran 1500 rms to 1 2510 for a while no problems. those f 9512s gone?

    last i heard they were in MI somewhere... cant miss them they have a pink DD sticker on em

  7. They are rated at 1500rms.. Doesnt mean they wont take more My sa10s didnt even move on 600rms 1599 was perfect till they really loosend up lol

    yea my 95 doenst move for shit even on like 25 hz

    I had 2 freshly reconed DD9512Fs with G basket/soft parts, 3k was bottoming it out, and suspension was loose as shit after 2 weeks no broken glue joints, needless to say that was my first and last experiance with DD they sold me CF dustcaps for $40ea and they were ovals!

    Anyways Hopefully i hear back fron Fi/AA soon

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