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About 98ExpoSPL

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  1. I just change all the wiring to o guage and now have 2 dual 2s so im waiting for the next show for the pics...I dont really compete burping im more street beats in USACI....
  2. Thanks, that took a bit of work in my truck...
  3. I just realized that you dont had to go crazy with equipment to be in the 150's on the TL on the kick. Im at 151 right now with 1 Memphis 4kw, 2 12" mojos with 1 static 3000 battery in the back. I know I wont get much more from it but hey a 151 aint bad for the class I run in....
  4. I compete in USACI. Termlab on the kick,windows up, door cracked. Just competed in New Jersey Sunday at Raceway Park. Burped a 149.6. If im not mistaken (very well could be) im at 1.6 ohms with these 2 mismatched subs. I have pics on Nesoundoff.net. Oh and just 2 batteries, 1 up front and 1 by the amp.
  5. thank for all the help. 1st in nationals is at a 152 something. Im not worried about that but hey it would be nice. As for the 4kw i havent had any issue with it as of yet but i also have a batcap to it. I might try 2 4kw's in the future. who knows.. Oh and is there another name for the sound digital amps? tying to look them up
  6. I have a dual 4 and a dual 2 in my box...first im trying 2 dual 2's so i can drop to half ohm or very close to that. Im only getting 2250 out of the amp as it stands.
  7. im trying on a burp....Im hitting a 149.6 right now with 2 mojos and a 4kw...
  8. Is it possible people and if so please help on how...I have an 98 expedition and have gone thru 4 boxes already...
  9. Took the 3rd row out when I bought the truck. I hated hearing I need more power but to be honest I have another 4kw waiting.
  10. yes boon, strictly term lab. I know the back of my truck is mainly glass and we all know fart boxes are strictly for burpin. the box im thinking about building, subs up.. slot ported back is what i have to go on at the moment. Again the reason im asking for suggestions.
  11. Right now at half ohm Im hitting 146.6 on the dash. 149.7 on the kick. This is the reason Im putting this question to the forums. I also use this as a daily driver.
  12. Is it possible to have two 12" mojos, one Memphis 4kw in an 98 expedition and be able to hit 150's on the dash? If so please tell me how.
  13. Any help would be good on a box design for 2 12 inch mojos. I already know subs up, port back. Specs are needed so i can build myself. Drawings are even better.. Thanx for any help...Oh this box is for SPL.
  14. KLuv? How much to design boxes?
  15. If anyone can help me with tracks that are 62 hz for competing in SB2. I need the bass line at least 30 seconds long...Thanx
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