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Posts posted by Gotz1lung

  1. that crossed my mind as well. with the port taking that 90º turn tho i think it may be ok

    That exactly what i was hoping for... Im hoping the 90 will help, cuzz i went threw about 10 didfferent designs and with the space i had to work with i couldnt get enough port area anywhere else but foward.. so i put that big ol 90 in it. I guess we will see this weekend. The 17in hieght limit is what screw me the most..

    If it sucks really bad, ill try to get the subs on top, but the reason i didnt go that way from the begining is its only got about 1.75in to the trunk lid.

  2. Nothing to Extreme going on in this one, Just a Pair of 15W-0's in about 4.12/ea with @128in of port.

    I did get to try out my New B-Day tools from the wife tho!

    Nailers are the shit..Fuck a screw, and the New Table saw needs a bigger table around it, but cuts Supppeeerr straight.

    Just gotta Round over the Edges and Sex it up a bit, then wrap er' in some black carpet.

    on with the pics..








  3. Looks good man, i just did my first attempt at a Glass box a few weeks ago, i dont think it turned out as well as yours...

    I dont mean to butt in, But i think what was meant above is that Noobs DONT use glue when they build boxes, they just screw em together and silicone the insides when the proper way would be to Wood glue everything you can then Screw/Air Nail.

    Thats Just the way I took it tho....

  4. Ok so i got thinking i was way to burnt or something and went over my reciept.. I ordered (3) PAF12WD2 and recieved (3)PAF12WD4.It seems from Net serching the new model is offered in a 2ohm setup not the ones i have.The dust cap is different.

    So i ordered dual 2ohms, for a 1.3 ohm load... Just an excuse to buy 3 more like i planned i guess. 6 in a wall might just have to happen sooner than later.

    Is there any thing a little easier for a total newb to play with other than Sketup? (im assuming thats the program from the blue color)

    I can actually do somewhat decent sketches with plain ol' paint, but something more scale would be nice so i can stop harassing you guys for em.. lol

  5. you can not brige that amp. you are only seeing at most 200 watts to each sub. i have one of those amps and out the are not as powerful after you beat on them all the time.

    Well fuck me running, that would explain a whole lot.

    I feel really stupid now, monoblock.. 1 channel what the hell ya gonna bridge too?.

    Hey boon wanna do one up for 2 subs..lol

    Im glad someone pointed that out, i gotta think now, what to do what to do..hmmm

  6. Trucks are a pain in the ass some times. What I have seen work the best is a wall or clam but your in the same boat as I am keeping it below the back glass, one thing I have done is to put the subs as high as I can gave me a .2 db gain ain't much so I took it all out and MDF the whole truck except the windows, doors, and floor board and then covered it with cheap roll roof got a 3 db gain much better and at a competition I said the hell with it and tried out some window blocks another .5 db gain. Setup was subs forward port up went from 145 to 148.5 db at 46hz and 80 bucks. Their is tricks but for the most part its trial and error. For some reason trucks just need more power

    I had a feeling, I havent had a setup in years and the last real Number i pulled back then was a 162.3 Outlaw(i dont think this exists anymore) and a 157.6 " leagal" back then it was 6in from front glass at the side window arch away, you could be the car, but only to hit the volume(no tuning).. Funny thing it was Xtra Cab S10.. but i walled it with 6 12w-1s(old first version) sealed in like 12or14 some odd feet with an ignorant amount(like 350rms each on a 125w woofer) This port game is FUN and FRUSTRATING.. It needed a whole new build in the sealed days, now 10bux of MDF or PVC can change a whole lot...

    What are you doing to stiffen teh rear wall/window flex, it is way to much in my truck. Or did he mdf stiffen it up enough? if someone stands in the bed and hold sthe glass you can hear/feel the loss when they let go.

    In my apartments, i really dont want to go full out as of yet, but my plan in the next year or so is 6 12 and 3 amps in a wall, but i gotta have bang NOW as well..lol Notice the cheapo compnents.My lovely neighbor hood limits me to be willing to loose a good setup at any given time.

  7. Ok i get long winded in posts but please try and follow me cuzz im getting rather pissed off..

    Box 1. Sealed 5.1ft^3....sounded like shit

    Box 2. 6.02cf^3 with 3 4in dia ports at 12in long...1 port in top 1 in each end, was loud as hell OUTSIDE the truck/behind the headrests.

    box 3. Same as above but 3 4in ports in the top at 9in long.... lost all output,way out of Freq. range for these subs im assuming.

    Im kinda tired of spending all this money so if you have any input please spit it out there.

    3 power acoustik FUBAR 12w subs

    Powerzone 1500.1 Series/Par. for 2.3ohm before bridging.

    Its in an Extended caab 94 GMC seira.

    Current Box(port location changed today)

    And box i have in mind this time around from Exosprts calc(thnx man)



  8. Thanks Guys! I was diagnosed as a Non-Functioning Bi-polar sufferer, shortly after high school, so its been 10yrs or so of hell and ive finally in the last 2 years been properly medicated and my art has improved ten fold. I can actually get all those fuk'd thoughts on skin now..hahahaha

    I update myspace every week usually so keep an eye on it if ya dig my work. Paul Wall hasnt gotten Tattooed YET, he does have a scheduled(if Bizness allows during trip) apt in June tho with me. My dude City hooked me up with him after they did a show together and he was impressed with my work on City. I have Tattooed George Bushh a pro MMA fighter, all the members of 1st Degree, tons of underground rap artists/DJs/MCs.

    And again, thx for the props, means alot in this industry.

  9. Instead of asking a question for once, i thought id share what i do for a living. Sorry we only have a myspace at the moment, the real website is still under construction unforntunatly.


    EDIT: I have recently quit working at Invious Ink. I wish the guys up there the best of luck but i just didnt fit in there. Im still available for apointments tho...

    Im Aaron BTW

    Ive been tattooing for ruffly 14ys but only the last 5 or 6 in shops doing real work. I have recently had a few pieces shot for Savage and Easyriders mags, so when they get published ill be sure to let yall know!

  10. The way i had originally built the box, ports out the top werent on opion, so it got one in the front and on the ends.

    Its VERY Loud right at the headrests, but i really dont think it would meter well. I have sunday off and plan to cut more port holes and move the ports around and see what i can come up with.

    What would be a guesstimation on the meter with 3 Power Acoustik fubar 12w's on a Crunch 1500.1@1ohm. My S10 of about 8yrs ago was doing 152.3's consistantly, and this i swear is just as loud.

  11. Looking good man! When you start adding body filler to those pods, just be sure to double check fitment. Looking @ your panels are giving me flash backs of last week doing mine. Looking real good though. Post more pics when you can.

    X2, I did this this week on my sub box. The inner corners where tight after resin, then filler and woops, they dont fit...lol, Dremel fixed it in about 2hrs.Lol... I need tools!!!

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