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Posts posted by MileSwimmer4444

  1. i said in the vid that its not supposed to stop til 8...but i think its actually not supposed to be done until 6 am tomorrow, not tonight lol...whoops

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  2. Okay so im just bored at home ( sick) so no school and i was wondering how i can find what my coils are really at for the ohm do i use a meter and put the pos in the pos part and neg in the neg part and set the meter to ohm or is there somthing else that needs to be done?

    thats it. ha.

  3. Yes and Yes,

    Any square/rectagular port is considered a slot port.

    For you, you would probably want something around 182 square inches of port for 13cubic foot box.

    one more thing...if i were to do the L shaped port..how would i go about doing that...the area has to be even throughout the port right? and how does length factor in with that?

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