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Everything posted by kremsrx7

  1. you can prep it like a normal panel but use plastic primer before you put normal primer on it, then it just like a normal metal panel, but if you sand thru to the plastic again, you need to put some plastic primer on it, otherwise the paint will flake off it, also if it needs to flex a little, you may need to add a flex additive to the pain and primer, any good paint shop can help you wit this. krem
  2. chameleon/ harlequin and kameleon paints shouldnt be confused wit pealr paints, the pigments used are totally different, pearls have 2 sides which refract the light differently as it hits it, the other paints have numerouse sides in which it defracts the light differently wit different angles, unlike pearls which needs the light to be actually hitting the pigments to change colors, the other paints can cange color in the shade. the usual painting process for them is a black base, then the color, then clear, the color has all the pigments that change colors in 1 can, where as pearls you need different colors to provide more than 1 shift. krem
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