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Ami Creations

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Everything posted by Ami Creations

  1. This has gone way too far and I have to do something about it. As some of you may know there has been product stolen from Steve Miller of RD Audio. He has accused me of stealing, 4 RD Audio D9's, 2 RD Audio Heavy Weight 15's, an Eclipse AVN 726E, an entire box of RCA's and install accessories, a pair of his designer sunglasses, his digital camera, another employees IPod, and the list continues to grow every day. I am coming out to everyone on this forum and others like it to clear my name, integrity and character on the accusations upon me. I am not here to point figures or to find out who really stole from Steve. All I want is to prove my innocence to Steve and everyone else on here. Once Steve had noticed the AVN 726E went missing he wanted me and two others in the shop to all take a polygraph test and be questioned about the missing products. I agreed to taking the test and on the day I was supposed to take the test another employee at the shop told Steve he saw me get into his inventory room. After that Steve refused to go through with the polygraph. I have offered to even pay for the test to prove I did not steal "Product" from him. Even to this day Steve is refusing to go through with the test and this is what I have to say to him, "Steve if you are man enough to point your figure at me and accuse me of stealing from you then you should be man enough to go through the polygraph test to find out the real truth." Ultimately what I would like from this is for Steve Miller and I go to his local police station and have a polygraph test administered by a legal, authorized person. I will pay for the test and I would like to be asked by the person administering the test if: If I stole 4 RD Audio D9's If I stole 2 RD Audio Heavy Weight 15's If I stole an Eclipse AVN 726E If I stole a pair of Steve's sunglasses If I stole a box of RCA's and install accessories. If I stole Steve's digital camera If I stole another employees IPod. If I stolen product that was supposed to be picked up by FedEx. If I have stolen any other product not listed in the above questions. Once I have taken the test I will have mine and Steve's the results notarized in the police station. I will take pictures of both copies in the police station and I will then post them up for everyone to see. Once the results come back I do not want an apology from Steve and I am not trying to fix any relations between the two of us. I simply want Steve and everyone else to know my innocence in all this. I also want the $240 that I gave Steve two weeks ago for lumber that he never ordered and to pay me back for taking the polygraph test when the results come back negative.
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