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Posts posted by mxer111

  1. yea because we sure showed all the other countries what was up when we invaded the middle east. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/01nocomment8so.gif

    that 'good ol country boy' is a douche.

    as for the NK situation. it pisses me off, but theres nothing i can do about it.

    we should all just stop tripping about a nuclear war and live life.

    know what i mean?


    Edit: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::good:

  2. Be prepared guys...between Iran and NK we could be in nuclear war literally anytime... Hope our military handles itself better than the government giving it orders right now...

    Keep in mind, we are logical, but their propaganda machines pump out lies of our pure imperialistic intentions. They are irrational...think of someone on an emotional rampage, they think with anger, not logic. They are more willing to attack us than we are to attack them.

    True dat^^^^ It's almost like those crazy asses over in the middle east throwing rocks at fuckin tanks lol... The worst person to fight is the crazy one.... not the big one.

  3. Any Nuke shot in our general direction would be quickly intercepted yes....but the allie situation is the most dangerous depending on who sides with who.... Nukes get shot off in large numbers it would be devastating to the world itself even if they were all shot down over the ocean... They say complete mass nuclear warfare and the fallout could blanket the earth from the sun in certain parts killing off plants and shit... All the fallout and shit....better just kill bomb every f'n body if were gonna do it.

    Makes me think off that T.I and Lil john song- Stand up.

    "You got an alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass

    Your mouth writing checks that your ass can't cash" T.I... Well put sir..

  4. Not trying to speak for him but i was informed by the man himself the 8 cubes is ideal for 1 level 5 18 for maximum spl... So 8+8=16 after all displacements. I personally wouldn't go any larger than that... but with subs in and 45's in and a shit load of bracing you might be pretty close...

    Sorry posted before me. Just PM rusty he'll let you know for sure...

  5. north k is so freakin stupid do they really think they can when a war with us lol they are like the size of rhode island, our navy alone could wipe them out

    Don't know if it's been said but North Korea has the fourth largest standing army in the world and that is not even counting there reserves. US is second largest only to China. But that is just counting active forces.. Add in the reserves and North Korea dwarfs our army in numbers..

    I am a patriot I love this country. But I also lost family in Vietnam and never got to meet them and my two uncles which did survive were never quite right in the head and then sadly a couple years ago they both past away of liver failure from drinking.. Now I'm not saying I'm against war because it actually quite the opposite.. I am Currently in the delayed entry program for the US Marine Corps. But it's easy to want to start a war behind a keyboard. I think there ignorant too and blowing them off the face of the earth sounds appealing to me as well. But if it were that easy it would have already been done..

    Comparing total number a Military personal instead of just active..

    6 mil. of North Korea to roughly 3.5 mil. United States... In total number North Korea is only about a million short of China....Pretty damn big for a country as small as Rhode Island.


  6. No offense take'n...its just that im getting some SERIOUS req for very detailed work...and in a small space...its tough to get it all in there...I do the best I can with the space give'n. all i ask, is that we try to see how im gonna do that before ya ask...i don't want to let anyone down,,but when you want a naked woman with 400 skulls around her,,,,its a little tough...hahahahaha...no problem man,,were good...When I was talked to by Rusty,,we talked in detail about how we could go about this...now im working on a "Fire" basket with fire caps, and then later down the road,,ill be able to "match" your cars paint with your code,,for a perfect match..

    I did a custom cap for one of Rusty's guys who came by the shop with the sub,,,I got to tell ya,,,these subs ARE impressive to say the least....HUGGGGGE!!!!! and ill post a pic of the cap...but the cap was 9-10 in dia. it turned out ok...but very labor intensive ..take a look....unreal....

    Alright cool man, just trying to keep everything on an even keel, ain't trying to step on a bunch of toes.....Where can I find that 9-10 incher at??? I'd like to see it....LINK??? :D

  7. Thanks......yup it is all good.....gonna see what I can hit with it this afternoon...I was first considering to go into SQ comps, but with the lack of shows Close by and the lack of money to do it properly..i just decided to go into SPL...I believe I am going to hit some good numbers

    GL on the meter man!!! Make sure you post up some results!!! Shut all the JL basher's up :D

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