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Posts posted by scratchy

  1. heres my opinion, which can be backed by fact if you research for 5 seconds.

    1. x360 and p$3's graphics to the casual user are almost identical. Sure some games will look better on one machine than the other, but would you pay $200 extra for a difference you will most likelly not notice

    2. x360 has a BRILLIANT lineup. ps3 has yet to show me something that makes me want to fork out any cash

    3. x360 live

    4. sure your getting blu ray with your ps3, but by the time that dvd is outdated, you will be paying the same price for a blu ray drive than dvd players cost today. If you buy a x360 and a blu ray when it becomes a must, youll have a kickass console, hd-dvd and bluray

    5. what the hell were sony thinking when they designed the remotes. No rumble and no replaceble batteries. Im not buying a new controller everytime the battery needs replacing

    So in essence, your paying $200 extra for a console that is sub par compared to the x360. no thanx

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