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Posts posted by scratchy

  1. Great !


    I was always under the impression that the more Cone area there is the more air there is to move .

    and the more air the more sound waves to make alot of noise with :D

    Ive also been advised not to tune the box to around 38 as its too low ??!!? Wtf? instead go with a 50hz ..

    Im in the game to shake everything around me

    what do u think?

    ill be running 2 dual 2ohm woofers with a lot of throw!

    bra, dont listen to neeresh, hes an idiot IMHO.

    When I first started glassing I asked him how strong to mix resin and he told me thaqt it should be smoking before you can start using it.

    He does know abit about car audio, but I wouldnt trust him with a daily pounder

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