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Posts posted by ArmoredPersonel48698

  1. My Kenwood KAC-9104D just isn't getting it done. I mean, it's powering my subs nicely, but it just doesn't give me what I want. I'm looking at getting a Power Acoustik BAMF-2000/1D amp.


    KAC-9104D RMS Power Rating:

    * 4 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan.

    * 2 ohms: 900 watts x 1 chan.

    * 1 ohm: >900 watts x 1 chan.

    Max power output: 1800 watts x 1 chan.

    BAMF-2000/1D RMS Power Rating:

    * 4 ohms: 600 watts x 1 chan.

    * 2 ohms: 900 watts x 1 chan.

    * 1 ohms: 1200 watts x 1 chan.

    Max power output: 2000 watts x 1 chan.

    Reason I like the BAMF-2000/1D is the bass knob. My 9104D is a pain in the ass for me. Takes way to much effort to adjust the bass on it. Gotta fiddle with that, change this, click that...I DON'T HAVE THAT KIND OF TIME!!! Lol. Now, I know I can get loads better (like a RF T1000-1bd) but I don't have that kind of cash.

    So, my questions are (i feel like a tard for asking them):

    Should I get it? Yes it's a minor improvement, but I want a bass knob, and I don't feel like having to physically wire one in.

    Would it be worthwhile?

    Would the RF dual knob bass control work with BAMF-2000/1D?

    Thats it.

  2. I don't get it. People all over youtube (yes youtube) troll other videos. An example, some douchebag comes out of no where calling my shit weak. Better yet, here's what he said lol. "bro your system sucks mad dick..get better subs..kewoods ass." I'm sorry, it's not a competition system, and I don't have the money to blow on an expensive system. I already nearly broke my account with what I have. It's a good system for what I want. Gets the job done, its loud, and it's clean. I honestly could care less what people say about it, but it just gives me something to laugh at.

    Do you guys catch shit like this on your vids?

    And believe me, if I had the money, I'd blow it on a nice ass system.

  3. The opening quote is:

    Woofer excursion test

    This track will test the woofers ability to reproduce sub bass frequencies

    Without reaching the limits of its voice coil or suspension

    In other words: to drop bottom, without bottoming out

    I'm trying to figure out what the name is, and I'm failing at it. What song is this?

  4. looking real good meade..dibs on all the old wires


    No...no...NO...NOOOO!!! MY WIRE!!!! GET BACK!!!!

    *grabs wires and runs*


    On more serious note, Meade, the builds coming along pretty good. The question I have for you is, how do you get your box in and out? I mean, it's a big fucking box, so how do you get it out?

  5. that made me LOL, some one found the site before the owner could log on LOL

    Admin fail much? Haha...kidding. vBulletin...ftw!!!! And yes, I run my own forum. Running vBulletin. And damn jelsoft for jacking the price up an additional 20 bucks before I bought my lifetime license from them last year. Uggh. Lol. Threads: 56, Posts: 382, Members: 16. Tiny compared this place. And only been up for a month I think. Maybe...I forget. Lol. [snipped by armored] :D

    Anywho, back on topic. I'm diggin the site meade. I'm glad I found you on youtube (been following you for atleast 3-4 months...maybe more) and registered here. One bad ass place.

  6. Again you guys, remember, this is just a proposed situation. I've had my system installed for less than a day so no problems so far. I'm just asking about this because I hear about it all the time from my dumb ass friends who don't know what the hell they're doing. I wouldn't say it's impossible for me to make it go into protect mode, but at the current moment, I've got the amp's bass gain set fairly low so it's no where near full power/capacity, well, at least I think it isn't. In two weeks or so, I'll let you know if I experience any problems with it when I start pressing more bass through it. No problems so far. You can find my build topic in the Member Build forum under the title of 100% Kenwood Power. So far so good. Today was a good day. :D

    EDIT: dammit I can't spell anymore.

  7. One last thing so I can get this straight in my mind. Protection mode is basically an amps "safety" net when something goes wrong.

    does it heat up a good amount?

    It gets warm but not, HOLY SHIT WHERE'S THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER kind of hot.

  8. my guess would be your ground worked its way loose.

    This is a proposed situation.

    or low voltage

    I've yet to see my car's voltage drop dramatically. Remember, this is just a proposed situation. Didn't happen. Just curious as to what this "mode" was.

  9. To actually answer your two other ones...here are my responses.

    what do you use to tell how much shipping will cost?

    Generally it's done by weight. Like, item A weighs 11 pounds and costs X amount of cash, you'd pay that along with the price of the "enclosure" (no, I don't mean a big ass MDF box...lol) it's in. Other times, odd sized/shaped objects could be more of a hassle. May hinder your ability to ship it one way. But, experimentation is your best bet to figure out what to do. Which ever way allows you to keep the most cash in your pocket while still getting there in one piece, is the best.

    what reason would you not ship out of country?

    Well...money for one reason. Second, international shipping is a tad on the expensive side. Third, you don't know how the guys at the airport are going to handle your package. Some throw 'em around, others are actually careful.

  10. It sounds like a good bargain. I just put two Kenwood KFC-W3012's w/ a ~1000 watt Kenwood amp, and it sounds clean. I've heard good and bad things about MTX. For a bargain brand, they're okay. I've experimented with them in home systems, and they're alright. Not up to my standards, but for a good, low end, cheap, clean sub, you'd be alright with it. I'd get it just because it was 25 bucks. Then I'd probably do something stupid to it. :D What are you running right now? And to sound clean with what you got, back off on the volume a bit, drop the bass gain on the amp, and maybe upgrade your mids/highs if you haven't already.

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