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Posts posted by Amalan

  1. The only problem with surfing on the iphone or a itouch is that its fine for stuff like checking email, you tubing, b.s. like that. I have tried to view the forum on there and type out a post or two, but a page like this with all the places to "click" that takes you to sections or threads makes it really hard to navigate a site like this one. plus youare constantly expanding and shrinking pages and your fingers end up hitting links you were not trying to go to . I am not saying it can't be done... Apple has a great concept and a great product out with this technology... But surfing like you do at home on a pc or laptop takes some real patience...

    yeah same here my itouch doesnt like this site too much its hard to click where i want the cursor when im quoting someone and typing out a post and it just flips out. i dunno its fine with every other site but this forum does become a little much for it.

  2. figured they were overrated a little that why i was looking at the 3000d because it says 1700 at 1ohm and im not expecting to get a birthsheet reading like a rockford or a MTX but i didnt want to put 1700 to it anyway i want this system to last for a while and i dont want to be overpowering it and having to do recones all the time... just something to wang on hard all the time so that 1700 at 1 ohm has got to be somewhere in the area of 1500 and thats good enough


    take a look at that amp

    there isn't much amps that have that true power and use 4GA

    what? so basically if it doesnt have 0 gauge inputs it doesnt put out the rated power? good logic there :rolleyes:

  3. i have a a2400db on my btl right now till i decide to get off my ass and redo the wiring to put my new amp in but its pushing it really well for the time being. id say theyre pretty close to what they put out, not sure about the one you posted up but the a2400 and a3000 are fairly close to rated power if not the rated power.

  4. those miles to E crap are so incorrect you will gain 75 miles when you first start cause youre idling but when you drive around itll drop quick to a tad more accurate figure. if you measure the voltage right after you started then your car was probably idling a bit high till the engine warms up and itll drop and bring the volts down to the 14v range and as for the air bag sensor, i have no clue you should probably make your dealer look at that cause you dont want a faulty air bag.

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