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About Basher

  • Birthday 08/17/1983

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  • Location
    St Louis, MO

Basher's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. http://www.livemixtapes.com/ Go there. Love it. You can listen live, and download most of the new stuff FOR FREE! It's that great. They don't even spam your email addy--I've had an account for almost a year with them and have only received one email from them--which was my account verification! I got a cd binder full of burned mixes from there in the whip, and I gotta say, more bang than don't. As with any mixtapes though, there's some hit n' miss action. Just listen to the stuff before you bother DLing it and you'll be straight-- some of the DJs are wack as hell but there's lots of exclusives on that site too. Overall, though, there's some incredible stuff to be found there. Hope everyone enjoys!
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