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Everything posted by TeejayBee

  1. Its the song by omarion not so much him but i like the remix
  2. Alright so im looking for some rap songs that have a good flow and beat to them a song i can think to refer you to is I get it in by Lil wayne and omarian if you dont get what i mean ask haha
  3. i just lold at ^^ thinking of someone saying that " to bad i just orederd 20 of this for the same FUCKING PRICE " haha
  4. dont think so im droping three T-1000's in so thanks for the smart ass comment
  5. dont think so im droping three T-1000's in so thanks for the smart ass comment
  6. yeah i mean i know for sure im putting two in the port im waiting for ed to get back from snowboarding tomorrow to talk to him about them since hes helping with my T3 build xD But yeah i could do that put one or two in the port then the other two under my amp rack ill see but im trying to figure what the plug into like my cig lighter or what lol
  7. http://www.ledunderbody.com/7-Color-4pc-Ex...ghting-Kit.aspx okay so im looking to buy these thought id get more input im prolly get the 9" tubes to do Two tubes for my port and then put the other two on the inside of the box hehe xD tell me what you guys think
  8. yeah because all my friends have 10's and 12's ? so cool storry bro if your not gona wana buy em then dont waste my time
  9. lmao well you ask a question when you could of goggled it so either post something about the sale or don't bother posting at all that's not that hard to figure? Having common sense isn't your best now is it ?
  10. no need to be a dick if you wanted to be a dick should of pm'd me so you didnt waste my time by looking at this but its cool maturity isn't your best i can see.
  11. I didn't feel like re-typing all of this stuff so http://lancaster.craigslist.org/ele/1610788397.html just read it haha. Im not to sure with me shipping them only because i have know clue how to go about shipping these because i dont want them to get damaged on what ever way they go haha. But if you want them and they need to be shipped ill learn the best way to wrap them up so they dont get hurt. and the person will have to pay the 500$ for the subs and the shipping cost . -Teejay
  12. when i come down ill have stock alt too but subs are a secret xP
  13. I would of expected higher numbers from the 4 DD's that you guys had in his blazer to be honest But make sure to post when the next one is im hoping to have everything done by then doubt i will but can only hope
  14. Yeah ima wait till ed gets back to see what hes thinking about but i like that
  15. i saw that second skin box i think it was lol ? that had the punisher skull on and do you think you could get rid of the rocky look with light sanding >?
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