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Posts posted by harrisonG

  1. not trying to be a douche, but finding a hotter girl will only work for the time being, you said this guy was almost your brother, so im assuming in the near future youd be going to hang out with him and the odds of her being around would be pretty high, so the way i see it, or at least what i would do is either not go at all and basically leave him in the past and move on from him as a friend, or go to the wedding regardless of bringing a hot girl and just try to let it go and just be happy for your friend. youre stuck between a rock and a hard place, and both decisions will definitely leave you in some sort of conundrum

    edit: and i mean as in finding a hot girl just to bring to the wedding will only work for a short time unless things take off with her towards a relationship or something its only something that will make you feel shittier afterwards

  2. My brother works at service king, and he actually got a painter to paint his taillights black. It is heavily mixed with clear so it looks solid black, but the lights show up just fine

    do you by chance know the name of the spray? and any methods of application would be great to hear, such as if i should take off the lights then do it or if i should paper em up and just spray the outside, thats what my friend did and they really did look great

  3. well last night while i was at a stop light parked, my music was bumpin and i noticed the lights were dimming ever so slightly. well i am going to be getting a second amp soon and i can only guess that its not going to help the situation... so i was curious what would help this? should i get a more powerful car battery? im trying to stay away from a new alternator and in car batteries just because im tight on cash and im not going for a slamming system. the system i am shooting to have is whats in my sig plus soon an aq4x90 and im deciding between a lvl3 12 or 15.

    so this is where you guys come in... what should i do? i want to make sure my voltage isnt dropping that much, i also know a lot of you guys are against capacitors (even though im not 100% sure why) but any help would be awesome :rolleyes:


  4. right now i have the kenwood kfc-3012, which is holding me over til my DC sub, but this sub actual sounds pretty nice i got it after i blew out my other sub and its pretty good. so seing that the 3011 is very similar id suggest that just because i have first hand experience with it, but i know the type rs are great subs also

  5. right now ive narrowed down to the FI SSD and the DC LVL3

    with the SSD which options would i want for daily SQ. the copper coil, but what is the bp power, and would i want dual 1 or dual 2? im just afraid that my amp wont be able to power the SSD well enough and i dont know when id be able to upgrade amps for it. the LVL3 has a closer rms rating to what my amp puts out... any last suggestions?

  6. id be getting it for SQ, and i would be willing to upgrade amps, but if i didnt have to it would be better. thats why i feel the AQ or DC might work better since my amp puts out power closer to their ranges. but for SQ which settings would i get on the SSD if i stuck with the same amp.

    also any other opinions?

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