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Everything posted by WhiteyMack

  1. Yeah I noticed that too when I played it on my studio machine from the web... it had to come from the compression when we uploaded it to ursession, because it was pretty flat in my car, and what you download from ursession is not the original mp3 its their compressed decompressed file that they creat when someone uploads a song to them,, but It is only premastered at this moment anyway so it was almost a little peaky at parts but no square waves though,, but I cant finalize tha mastering until I get my behringer spectrum analyzer back from repair." took a lightning hit" anyway I understand your worry.... if you want to wait a bit,,, once i get the SA back from them,, and get it hooked back up in the studio, I am going to final mix all of the tracks,, and will upload a couple including this one.. so holla at me in a week or so... and if you like once i get it final mixed/mastered I can send you a direct copy,, that way you wont have to deal with any coloration caused by myspace or ursessions codecs...
  2. LOL.. good to know.. Yeah my spectrum analyzer in the studio is on the fritz so i sent it to Behringer to get it repaired wont be back for about another week they said, and all I could use was the crappy spectrum analyzer in windows media player to kind of guess where it was hitting.. lol damn 25 hz.... mmmmmm that makes me tingle... I guess that would be a good reason for me seperating the spider on my 12L7 then,,, Ok so let this be a warning ahead of time.. this song hits low, and stays low.. but there is parts of it where it drops quick and hard to around 25hz,, and if you are like me and have the knobby tweaked a little too high then I nor whiteymack productions nor Yadig will be held responsible for your cones falling out onto your carpet.. lol
  3. Hey preciate it mayne... Me and T.O. have been doing this for ever, since we was teenagers. we used to do local shows and whatnot.. I used to help others in my area by makin beats for them and helpin them record. but then I got married and it became more or less a hobbie for me as did my car audio passion,, but now He and I decided to just quit drinkin beer on the weekends and playing around with music,, so we formed up this production company YaDig Ent. and have gotten together with some promoters out of Little Rock Arkansas and after about 15 grand worth of recording equipment purchases and some hard work were gonna see if we can maybe do something else with it besides just having fun.. oh and as for my car audio passion.. it and my music go hand in hand,, so now im tired of the little 12s that Ive been limpin around with,, "and blew just the other day" so now thats on my list too.. lol
  4. Yep, I fixed it.. I dont know what the heck I was thinkin.. maybe I should put the beer down and use the other hand to type.. lol
  5. "Get Crunk With Me- WhiteyMack & T.O." 2009 Yeah I know promoting My own music.. blah blah blah.. lol I just figured you guys would enjoy it and this song would be appropriate for the thread, in get crunk with me, I kept the lows low... with the song bottoming around 30, just about blew my trunk lid off with this one.. in fact I tore the spider on one of my 12 l7`s with this song right after I finished premastering the track, and tested it in my car.. "awe bummer, now I have to pull it all out and start all over with a new system,, *GRIN*" anyway check it out and comment.. Were releasing the rest of our album later this year, this is just a teaser so far.. and man can you imagine, how cool it would be to have all the bassheads ridin around to your own song? lol Go Here to hear the song http://ursession.com/urCONTENT/view?id=52382 if you click the red button on the transport I have set it to public download so you can have a copy of it to blow your windows out with' "you can have a feee copy, but dont even think of doing anything you shouldnt with it, as it is copywritten and we as a production company are members of BMG music group.. which protects our intellectual rights to our media" sorry for the disclaimer, just have to protect our stuff,, naw mean? lol Also if you myspace, you can hang with us on http://www.myspace.com/whiteymackproductions and http://www.myspace.com/yadigfambam
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