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Posts posted by mlstrass

  1. angry DTF guys are what piss me off.......JK Robie :drinks:

    I can just read his stuff and laugh, but I can see where you youngers guys could get angry over the OP and some of the responses.

    Hell I've built 2 160+ vehicles....and I still know nothing and will admit it, yet that thread is full of "experts"

    Yeah a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile

    and you find Kyle's nuts quite often :lol:

  2. I get 9^3 gross, so you're probably way on the small side with port/subs subtracted.

    What are specs for the port opening? I see 15.5 high, but how wide is it?

    How does it sound so far as this box "seems" to be way out of whack for those subs...

    the opening of the port is 4.25". And hits pretty good on some songs and sounds bad on most. i had a buddy design it and i juta put it together :shrug:

    Sorry to say but that box design is junk for those subs. 8cubes NET is the smallest I'd do, 8.5-9 is better with 16^2 port per cube. You're around 10^2 per cube if you're lucky and it's tuned way too low.

    If you give me your max dimensions I'll see if I can come up with a better design that will fit.

    How much power do you have?

  3. Really curious on box specs as I don't see 2 of those fitting in a trunk in the proper size enclosure.

    Especially tuned to 27Hz as that's a long ass port if you did 16^2 port area per cube.

    As for trunk set ups my experience has been rear facing hits lower, forward firing peaks a little higher and is louder. Also sounds a little better on real music. Of course every car is different...

  4. why not just get some actual car audio 8 inch woofers?

    Because I want a 8'' with full range capabilities.

    if your getting a pair then like this.. http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp?Q=2&I=81#results

    make sure you cross it over properly

    Ok, What do you mean by cross over properly?

    Do some researching otherwise you will be less then happy with the results.

    If set up properly and given decent power the Seleniums can be very loud and clean sounding...

  5. If it wasn't Xmas time, i'd go ahead and get a couple spools. But motherfuckers need gifts lol.

    Let me know, Mistrass. They can be as short as 4ft each btw. Two 4ft blue, and two 4ft silver. Did I get some from you last time I needed small pieces?

    Don't think so. I had 50' of blue and sold it in 2 pieces, but I know I have some leftover pieces of both colors, just not sure how long. Will be home from work in a few hours and let you know

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