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Posts posted by littleitaly1990

  1. That is kind of the reason I don't use the covers :( ... for some reason since I upgraded to HID's, they don't show as well as the halogens did through the covers, and I am not looking to get a vehicular man slaughter charge with the windshield tint. I think for once practicality/safety is going to win me over here.

    I was going to say those HID's are too sexy to hide, and going ALL black doesn't look clean, but mostly black is nice.

  2. i wouldnt, later down the road you will have bigger responsabilities than just a new car, which will take a few years to pay off or lease, anything can happen in those few years, i vote not a wise choice

    agreed....I went from a situation like yours to college....I went from having a nice sized bank account to broke in a matter of months, and that's with spending very conservatively.

  3. sorry there wont be an "EMO" section on this site.........that would be twice, possibly 3x more ghey then the actual, occasional emo post.

    the way i see it, theres lots of members here and like it or not, some of us have become friends.....or at least we feel like we know eachother. Sometimes, they might make a post like that because they know someone will give them some encouragement and support. If i dont feel like reading it, i just dont read it. I mean we're all here for eachother and the support i see you guys giving eachother kind of blows me away sometimes. This is something you dont see on other forums most of the time. Id rather have it like that then straight up cut-throat and brutal around here.

    that being said, some of you do need to grow a sack though LOL!

    seriously, i like that the members of my forum help eachother out even if some of us are softer then others. Maybe we should do like the for sale section and make it to where you need 300 posts before you can go Emo on us and get any kind of attention :D :D

    heres james " sorry, i have to lock this thread, you cant go Emo for 100 more posts bro. If you go emo again before that and make a post, you will get suspended" LMAO!!!

    100% agreed....After being on the forum for over a year, I feel as though the occasional vent session is fair.

    Although I see a few too many girlfriend topics....just find it, stick it in, and be done with it.

  4. I read all about them, but for 1200 watts, do you think i need flatwind or cooling? or would hyperpole be enough with the new BLs?

    1. Does flatwind really get THAT much louder?

    2. Does cooling REALLY keep it that much cooler?

    Remember 1200w only.

    if you are only using 1200 watts, I wouldn't get cooling...Flatwind would still be a good idea.

  5. it will, but it has a ver steep filter at that point, and with a BL, there is not much playing below 30hz anyway. Actually almost no songs go this low, mostly only bass tracks and a few songs here and there.

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