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Posts posted by littleitaly1990

  1. For those of you who don't know, trillian is a program that's been around a while that basically put aim, yahoo, and msn chat into one....very clean and easy to use.

    Well the beta just came out for their new Trillian Astra, and I have to say, this program is nasty....it has yahoo, aim, msn, twitter, myspace im, facebook status updates and im, and pretty much every single messenger available online right now. It's still got a few bugs in the beta, but if you use messengers a lot you might want to check this out: http://www.trillian.im/download/

  2. well since its going to ship today, i can break the news :)

    (8) T2500.1bd (each should EASILY do 3000+ and im hearing 3300's.....on TOP of that im feedin them 15.3v so who knows)

    (1) T1000.4 (mids)

    (1) T1000.4 (midbass)

    (1) T600.2 (tweets)

    (1) P200.2 (already have that one, gonna dedicate it to a pair of I-beams)

    i already have 1 I-beam - they are cool as hell!! I dont NEED them with 20.......err 30,000 watts but at lower, normal volumes, its gonna KICK ASS.

    anyone who wants to know what an I-beam is, hit up the RF catalog or website.....plus ill make a vid of what they do soon. Think "bass shaker" but on a NEW level.

    anyway.....so far thats the rundown. Its gonna be a LOT of work so when i get started, ill be super busy and its gonna hurt to not have beat while its down. New box and subs will come at the end of August I HOPE, so i wont be changing that right away. Just fing'erin out how im gonna get the amps in will be a challenge. The T2500 is smaller but there are 8 of them so i have to get creative.

    i havent seen them PERSONALLy (out of the design stage anyway) but i know they have LED indicator "needle's" like the T15k's do......and i think the T1000 does also. So it should be F#CKING BAD ASS!!

    more info as i get it!!! and sorry bout the "no pics"........i dont have them yet dammit!! :D

  3. My neighbor back when I lived in S.Florida (3 years ago) had a 1978 twin camache that I flew with him on occasion. Flying isn't REALLY that difficult to do, you just have to be a great multi-tasker. I'm not licensed to fly in away shape or form, but I did it. Flying these small "private" planes is 1000000% different feeling then what most people are used to. The ride can be ruff, and LOUD! I think the other plane I've flown was a cessna -172 (Not sure if that is correct, cant remember) That little thing was a trip. Very scary experience if your not used to one.

    **EDIT** Taking off, isnt really that hard, but LANDING can be a bitch, and personally never landed a plane by my self before.

    Sheer curiosity, what was this guy's name?

  4. Second Skin Therma-shield

    Second Skin Frost

    Second Skin Ice

    Second Skin Arctic

    Second Skin Subzero

    Second Skin Frostbite

    Second Skin Polar

    Second Skin Sleet

    Also you could add super or pro before or after any of the names respectively and they sound good.

    adding wall at the end of the names sounds pretty good as well.

  5. Its so hard to tell 720p vs 1080i I mean with our eyes, we cannot tell the difference, the real quality kicks in with the new 120hz rate refresh @ 1080P

    Movies look very real with the 120hz, I mean, it looks like your looking thru a window at an actual stage rehearsal, vs a broadcast, or a video

    Plasma is okay, but after being a tech at Sears, and helping out the video techs, the plasma is a fading technology, LCD is currently the best, but Organic LED will soon be the tv design to have

    Plasma burns hot, and doesn't last as long as LCD- Plasma can go out as soon as 1.5-2years, while LCD can live a longer life 4+ years

    The organic LED will even beat that after they find a way to fix the blue LED failing at 40,000hrs compared to the Red and green at 80,000-100,000hrs (IIRC)

    Me, I watch a lot of tv, I'am a damn couch potato, and long lasting screen is important

    My dad has had his Panasonic 50" plasma for 5 years now, no fading, no burn in, no issues whatsoever. And my mom has had 3 hdtvs for over 4 years, two of which are plasmas, 1 of which is an lcd. Again, no problems whatsoever with any of them. All get used extensively, but not abused. If people are careful with their products, and the install is good, they will be fine, same as with car audio.

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