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Posts posted by STEvil

  1. Well, I suppose you could take a length of sonotube, seal it off at one end, and just have a cylindrical shaped, sealed enclosure. Not sure what the benefits would be.

    But generally speaking, a sono-tube enclosure "IS" a a T-line. Just another name for it.

    Another way of looking at at a sonotube sub set up, is just, that your speaker is mounted in a giant port, no actual box needed.


    i dont want a t-line tho i want a sono tube enclosure

    They're only t-lines when they are 6-8 feet long.. which is pretty much never.

  2. The subs ohms has nothing to do with the power handleing whether it is a 1ohm sub 2ohm sub and so on....... The power handleing of a sub is the rms watts...

    They make differnt ohm loads on subs so you can wire them to differnt ohms.

    Most monoblock amps put out the most power at lower ohm loads, thats why people

    tend to wire to 1 ohm instead of 2 ohms or 4 ohms.

    So you can wire a 2ohm sub to 1ohm on an amp? If so would it be the same power as a 1ohm to 1ohm? Again... I'm new at this.

    A single 2 ohm coil will only ever wire up to an amplifier at 2 ohms (assuming a single monoblock amplifier which is what 95% of people use these days).

    If you had two 2 ohm coils (either a single sub with two coils or two subs with a single coil each) then you could wire them to the monoblock in either parallel for 1 ohm or series for 4 ohms.

    If your amplifier makes the most amount of power at 1 ohm then you want to choose subs with coils that will get you closest to 1 ohm. Being a bit higher than optimal is better than going under if you're unsure that your electrical can handle what the amp needs if you're going to run it hard.

  3. local electronics (tv etc) repair shop would be a better place to get it repaired.

    Can you get the numbers off the mosfets for me, or really good macro pics? I need to repair mine.. 5n05hd is the output side iirc.

    Als there are some 3-legged driver IC's near the caps (that big black thing that broke off) that I need numbers from.

  4. adjust the amp accordingly for the ipod test? readjusting the gain u mean?

    and what you mean not get the full potential at 2 ohms from the RF CP?

    Turn the ipod down. You wont have to adjust the gain as long as you dont crank the ipod up to run the amp hard.

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