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Everything posted by Turkboy

  1. Yeah sound to close to wayne imo i hate wayne but thats prolly cuz im jammin C&S the only type of music on this pos 120gb for my laptop lol but the beats throwed you wouldn'thappen to have instrumentals
  2. MMMMMMmmmmMMMmmMMmmmm that looks nice what is that marlboro mediums i miss those but the dammn subs are gorgeous be good to them
  3. I know I wasnt alive when it came out but star trek tos FTW allll the way
  4. Google is a great resource however i don't recall EVER learning ohms law in 4th grade also in high school you need to learn biology and chemistry before physics (which ohms law falls under) I may be wrong about the physics thing because i was so upset with the high school teaching at such a ridiculous reading level even advanced classes!!! i just dropped out. I'm in homeschooling now learning at my own level and next year I'm headed over to Daytona Beach for II(Installer Institute) to learn ohms law from people who use it and calculate it everyday! Seriously though I'm 18 and I've learned more from google about algebra and English than any teacher i've had since pre-k. Parents homeschool your kids. Seriously
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