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Everything posted by ambyrell1

  1. the guy working on this said the same thing. there want be aeroports
  2. sorry didn't think about that, it will be in the morning.
  3. need help designing a wall, I know it needs to be 9cubes for two 15s, want to use aero ports.
  4. Im starting my first spl build in a 1993 toyota tercel, i was just wondering if anyone has any experience with a tercel. I know different cars get loud easier than others, so if anyone has ever use this car i would appreciate your input.
  5. just curious, what is the lowest i could safely set my subsonic filter to?
  6. i know what the site says but i want to know what people are actually putting to them.
  7. thats what i want! How much power will these subs handle?
  8. this sub on 2000 watts 4.5 cubes tuned to 38 hertz, how will this work?
  9. I'm still getting my stuff together, but i have a few things, my box is 4.5cubes 74inches of port, port is kerfed. Hifonics 2010D amp, 200amp alt, buying a AQ HDC3 15, going in a 93 Tercel. I plan on running double runs of 1/0 wire, already done big 3 upgrade. i need batteries, are Shuriken batts any good? after reading rules would like to try Bassrace.
  10. sounds like it would be fun, thanks everybody!
  11. i have never been to a competition and would like to know do people compete with one 15', and are they competitive?
  12. if copper is a better conductor, why are aluminum coiled subs louder? I also read that copper is a better thermal conductor, so wouldn't copper be the better option?
  13. will someone please explain what this is, and how box size is a factor.
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