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Marlo Stanfield

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Posts posted by Marlo Stanfield

  1. wrist wraps

    You could something like those along with lots of dumbbells, eliminates the need of bending the wrist so much, Ive broken my wrist several times along with my forearms from football so i feel ur pain, and also depending on how bad ur back and legs are, for cardio u could use an elyptical, or a bike(my personal favorite)

    also what i found to help my wrist alot was hanging excercises, pull ups, hanging leg raises, etc..... hurts like a bitch the first few times, but it allows some of the pressure to get relieved after a few weeks.

    That wrap is exactly what should help the OP out with his wrist issues, but just don't rush into things. Only do what you can right off the bat, because if you re-injure yourself then you'll be out for weeks to months.

  2. heres an add by google


    if this is real give it a shot

    Something like that seems like if you're trying to fight like basic speeding ticket or 2... Not 5 tickets and 2 being pretty serious w/ the reckless driving ones. I just don't understand how they can not have you show up to court though if u choose to go to court for the ticket. Granted lawyers do cost a lot more than this website it, but how much can an online law firm do especially without actually meeting or you showing up in court. I saw their flat fee is $189 and they seem to do basic traffic tickets. But what I'm thinking is that the majority of tickets are $300 and under, plus if u do go to court to plead guilty on the ticket 99% of the time they drop down the cost of it(unless u have multiple other past tix). S

    So they're gonna charge you $189 basically so you can be a lazy fuck and not show up to court, but in the long run you're gonna have to pay something towards the ticket plus these lawyers fees also.

    I also saw that they are certified in California, do they take cases from around the country or just in the local areas?? This whole thing seems soo god damn shady about how it works, just doesn't seem possible that is the case is hours away and no one shows up in the actual courtroom. Idk how that could work though, the court system is one of those things that has stayed true to how it's been done for 50+ years now regarding the traffic system. You get a ticket and choose to send in the ticket w/ a not guilty plea to get a court date.. then you show up for court, they call your name, you put in your plea, you speak with the prosecutor + judge, then they decide your fate, and usually you end up paying a smaller fee than whatevr was on the ticket in the first place.

  3. Shit like this makes me happy that my stereo ride is an 11 year old SUV that is soo easy to install with, as will my new SPL ride as my winter project.

    Even my daily driver(06 Hyundai Sonata) is easy to do installs with but is a fairly new car. I'd be pissed if I had to put in a $150+ module just to get things started.

    I remember when some guy came into our old shop with an RX-8 and we had never installed in one before. The absolute mess of wiring behind the radio/air con console was brutal and only showed up that it's pretty much tied into almost all of the electronics in the car, if i remember correctly. I'm pretty sure it was the RX-8, but hell it's 6am EST and i'm starting my new day in an hour on no sleep. FUCK ME.

  4. Alrite, not a bad little story... I can't stand when people are cruel to animals, they really are the lowest form of human beings. You're beating on something that is defensely to tell you when to stop or it's hurt. By no means am I a hardcore animal right activist that's about to go outside of an Eagles game to protest Mike Vick, but I'm very compassionate towards them. When i was in HS i used to work at a vets office and literally i almost go sick when i saw the shit some people did to animals.

    So aparently the OP is a "queer" now because he helped out an animal that was in pain and felt good about it... Pretty pathetic to call someone a queer for that reason.

  5. got a lawyer 750$ had to borrow 300$ from my dad, only time hes given me anything in over 3 years.

    cant wait till IRS catches up with me :(

    What are u illegalling doing to make money?? Or have u just not filed or payed taxes over the last couple years??

    with that many tickets ...learn to drive

    The single most intelligent thing said in this thread so far, i couldn't agree more... I'm soo confused as to how the OP has never been to driver's re-training(traffic school) with that many tickets on his record. Idk what it's counted as in his state, but reckless driving in many states is a felony. You would think though after the first 2 reckless driving and 2 speeding tickets you might think about going the speed limit afterwards.

    To the OP - How old are you??

  6. I'm soo sorry for your loss bro, I've gone through much tragedy in my life also but I'm not even gonna pretend like I know what you're going through in losing your father. Just try to be strong through this difficult time for your mother and other friends/family members. For the time being though I know the money issues may be on your mind, but just taking care of other things right now is clearly more important.

    Things of this nature really make me realize how truly precious life is. I've always lived my life in a way to have no regrets, live every day to the fullest because in the end tomorrow is not promised. I've seen too many family/friends pass away through the years to not respect life and death.

    But like i said before, I'm very sorry for your loss bro. I've been through alot of hard times also man, so if u really need some support/someone just to talk to just let me know.

  7. wait a min i know good wire JL audio, memphis etc. and they have the same thickness as mine, i mean i understand wat ur sayin bout cheap wire but most of the time its not too make it look as big as the real 0 ga. its what the wire is made of.. and its not about savin money on fuses its just the point of puting a fuse on there when u really dont need too...but i guess

    You obviously aren't really understanding it, you don't absolutely need the fuses but they are a safety precaution for you equipment, vehicle and yourself. It's like saying u really don't need airbags or wearing a seatbelt if u don't get into accidents.

  8. okay...... :huh: but why would u run it threw somthing sharp or somthing that hot that can actually melt o ga. wire i mean thats some thick ass rubber...

    U must not read well, i said u could run something over( ie. - a piece of metal in the road(if the wire is run under the car), can get cut on the firewall(alot of people are dumb enough not to use a $1 grommet) or it could melt somewhere in the engine bay where u might not think that gets very hot.

    Regardless if it's thick rubber/plastic type covering, it can still get cut through over time. I've seen it multiple times before when i used to work @ a shop in NY. We used to see fuses that got soo hot that the plastic covering was completely melted from the heat, I'm sure you'd want that heat running through your wire.

    Even if your car is a hoopty(like a $500 car) with a $500 system, why risk destroying it all and putting yourself at risk for being too cheap to spend 10-20 bucks on fuses. There is a reason why every amp manual, installer, etc suggests you do fuse within 18" of battery.

  9. Almost anything can be repaired/replaced... It's all about if it's worth it to you for it to get fixed. i had a buddy of mine pay $150 to a local shop to get an amp fixed that was $120 BNIB. After he told me he did so I wanted to smack him in the face for being such a fucking idiot.

  10. but how could a short even be caused...

    One of a bunch of things... You could run something over and it cuts into the wire or a certain section may be near a hot(temp wise) component in your vehicle and burn through the wire. Literally could keep coming up with things that may cause them. It's worth the extra $10 to fuse the wire and save your equipment/vehicle.

  11. Here ya go man -

    A Street Division competitor may use 2 layers of damping material on the inside sheet metal of his roof. However, the competitor may not use 2 layers of damping material on his roof and another 2 layers on the backside of his fiberboard headliner because this would result in a total of 4 layers of damping material in this location.

    A Street Division competitor may use 1 layer of damping material on the inside sheet metal of his door and another layer of damping material on the backside of his door panel because 2 layers of damping material are allowed at any given location. On the other hand, the competitor may not use 2 layers of damping material on the inside sheet metal of the door and another 2 layers of damping material on the backside of the door panel because this would result in a total of 4 layers in the door location which is prohibited.

  12. Depends on the class you compete in, but yes people do compete with a single 15... I doubt you'll win any world titles with a 15" daily setup, but going to comps is a fun time. Unless you seriously plan to compete, just show up, register, go through the lanes, and have a good time.

  13. For Street C you can have 2 amps or 2 pairs of strapped amps I believe... Batt limitation - 2 standard 800^3

    Off Termpro -

    Street C Class - A maximum of 2 subwoofer amplifiers (or 4 externally bridged monoblock amplifiers) may be used. A maximum TOTAL of 4 electrical conductors may be used to connect the amplifier(s) to the woofer(s).

    One 18-inch woofer

    OR a maximum of two 15-inch woofers

    OR a maximum of four 12-inch woofers

    OR a maximum of six 10-inch woofers

    OR a maximum of eight 8-inch woofers

    Btw you can't run 16v in street C, but you can in SS NW.

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