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xX MocK

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Posts posted by xX MocK

  1. Yea, sounds the same lol Atleast it looks better when I look back at it. Before I just had a blanket draped over it. Looked like I had a dog crate in my trunk or sumn...

    Ya i thought so i might do this for my neighbor he has 2 15s in the back of his truck with no tint haha

  2. a little door panel progress and a few demo's....

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    Wow, those door panels are coming together nicely cant wait to see em finished

  3. Google is your friend sir.


    just about any topical cream or anything that helps with burns has some kind of Aloe Vera in it.

    I was a pyromaniac when i was younger. lol

    Even just the plant itself. Take a part of the leaf bust it open and squeeze the juice out. It helps.


    Yeahh my moms got one of them plants i guess i should put it on it more often.

  4. It's new skin forming. Now you need to go and get (Aquaphor Healing Ointment) and put it on twice a day and cover with gauze or band-aid.

    THANK YOU!!! Thats what i hoped it was. I guess i'll ask my health teacher what she thinks tomorrow.

    I will pick up that aquaphor ointment. I am pretty young only a sophmore in highschool and very fit and healthy.

    You think it will heal kind of faster?

    I will try to do pics dont know how ha

  5. Obviously your reputation for being a man is more important than risking an infection. Your wound is infected. That white gunk is puss, and is being produced as your body attempts to fight off the infection.

    I actually hope you don't go to the docs. Then you can look at the a) nice scar, B) gaping hole, c) necrosis and think 'Hell yeah, I'm cool. Glad I didn't go to the docs!'

    Also, you will never get rid of the scar. You have destoyed the flesh. You have scarring.




    Hey its not like puss though it is more like a white thick substance that sticks to the burn like its covering it. I dont think it is as bad as you guys think.

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