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Posts posted by rusty959

  1. This guy wasn't talking about capacitance, if you re-read what he wrote he is stating that the 0g will not connect the batteries but the busbars will. The busbars will allow the batteries to act as a single big battery rather than, well I'm not sure exactly what he thinks happens otherwise.

    Anything storing charge in the manner he speaks is acting as a capacitor.

    When using buss bars and battery banks remember that d/c current flows like water so there is a certain way you'll need to hook things up so everything works as one. Never hook batteries up where the positive and negative are across from each other with buss bars cause d/c current will take the path of least resistance and go through battery number one and bypass all the rest even though they are all connected. You need to hook positives at one end of the buss bars or bank of batteries and negatives to the other side of the buss bars or battery bank, cause if the electron can't travel through all the batteries then the ones it can't travel through are wasted.


    I would systematically go through and disprove everything you just said but its pretty much all wrong unless I can't make sense of what you are writing. Feel free to draw a picture. Otherwise, no.

  2. i dont understand the appeal to gold connectors. gold ranks under copper and silver ranks above copper. plus silver is cheaper. why dont we see silver plated connectors?

    It is because a connection isn't the same as a continuous length of wire. The gold plated connector will (maybe) have a lower resistance across the connection. Obviously there are more variables to it.

    And to clear up the whole capacitance thing, wires have capacitance. Now obviously if you might not notice a few farads hooked up to your dc system you won't notice the essentially unmeasurable amount in your wires or buss bars. Now if it was ac and you bumped the frequency up high enough you will eventually notice it.

    and as AMI said a few hundred miles and some ac and you will notice it for sure. Long story short, lol at thinking buss bars are that different from some 0 gauge.

  3. what was your cost to do it

    thats the part i dont like.

    I paid $2,026. That was $999(more expencive than it had to be, elected to use an upgraded wavefront laser to minimize tissue loss) per eye with taxes and the 1 gear guarantee. Have the option at the anuall check up to make it a lifetime guarantee for an additional $400. That means all checkups and any corrections if needed are coverd at no cost EVER. Totally going to do that, but why but it up frot when you have a year to do it.

    I have perfect vision still but Id definitely say that is worth it if you can give up the cash. But, if I were you, id be putting money towards that each month or the time will pass and you will never get around to it if you are anything like me. Over time the excitement you now have fades unfortunately.

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