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Posts posted by rusty959

  1. Well, the two major problems I see is you are using oem shocks and you have a bunch of extra weight in the back. The spring doesn't do as much as you might think for absorbing bumps... a lot of it is the shock's duty. So if you think about it, in the rear you are lowering it, thus giving less room for the stock absorber to take the hit of a bump. On top of that you are adding a ton of weight. Then you take out the bump stops. It isn't surprising you are bottoming out at all. Its probably a similar story up front. The fact that the nut doesn't compress the springs shouldn't be causing your vibration. I would guess you either need an alignment from screwing around with your suspension (ive always heard it suggested you got an alignment when you take your struts out) or you have made another problem more noticeable due to lowering.

  2. Lemme guess, next you want to build your own amp?

    In conclusion, while I see where you are coming from trying to do it yourself, leave it to the professionals with the expensive machines. There are way too many variables that you don't want to have to take into account besides the degree of precision that would be necessary to pull it off. For example, if you can't already explain to me the difference between resistance and impedance, you are best investing your energy elsewhere. Please don't think im coming off hard or anything.


    The guy in his 3rdish year of an electrical engineering degree.

  3. It couldn't be the clutch since it moves in first gear. I assume it is an automatic shift? Either way, it definitely sounds like something within the 2 speed part to me. Look up how to adjust it to see if there is any way 2nd just isn't engaging. For my revo it was just a single screw that did the shift point and if it is the same way I doubt it is a setting issue. So to be honest I doubt that is the problem. A forum that knows more specifically how it works would be of more use. Most likely if it came to it you could atleast lock it in first so you could drive it.

  4. Correct me if I am wrong here but you can get away with charging them higher because you are spreading out the extra .7v over 10 batteries.

    i dont know about all that.....seein's how each alt is technically taking care of 2.5 of the batteries each....but im not sure, maybe your right, i dont know.

    i just know that i have been over 15.6 for a couple years now with no problems....but again, do so at your own risk because you should always follow manufacturers recommendations first.

    If anyone wants to know, it doesn't matter how many batteries it is spread between. Current flow into a battery is what charges it. The current flow for the most part is related to the voltage difference between the charging device (the alternator in this case) and the battery, assuming no resistance in the lines and such. Two (or more) batteries in parallel means they all share the same voltage. One battery charging at say, 15.8 doesn't care if there are no more or 100 more batteries charging beside it as long as the voltage stays constant at 15.8. Now if the charging source (alternator) can't keep up the current to charge the batteries the charging voltage will drop until it can keep up with the required current. (similar to a voltage drop when your beat hits) As they charge there will be less current required so the voltage will go up towards the alt regulation.

    In short, don't assume you can charge at a higher voltage because you have more batteries. Unless you have them in series, but thats a whole different situation entirely. lol.

  5. DAMN i was almost going to break 100,000 and i just lost some traction LOL - oh well, still set personal record for the site :D

    and wtf is lolcats?

    Its a cat "funny" picture site. I mainly brought it up since Ive often heard it said that the internet is for porn and funny cat pictures etc. Unfortunately it seems now there are too many not funny ones that you have to sift through to really get to the lulz....

    edit: I forgot that lolcats.com isn't the "big" one. icanhascheezburger.com is the bigger one which is in the top 1k or so sites. That being said it has a lot of subsites I guess you call them.

    Anyways, what im saying is congrats on the site blowing up like it has. Changed a lot since I first got here...

  6. fuck taking it to apple. they will just give you a discount on a new one. and you need an appointment to even talk to a tech.

    if its shutting off because it wont hold a charge you can just replace the battery. its not all that hard. a friend of mine gave me his old ipod with a dead battery and i changed it out. think it was only 15-20 bucks.

    if you dont want to try you can send it to me, order parts and have them sent to me and ill do it for you and ship it back once its working.

    try a google search on the symptoms and see if there is a common solution.

    How good of a deal did you get on it? While I do agree with skittles, if it wasn't all that great of a deal (depending on how much of a % that 15-20 ends up being) go ahead and try to get your money back. If they cooperate and refund you return the ipod to them. If they don't and you have to force them to repay Im pretty sure you aren't required to send the ipod back. Then replace the battery and you have a $15-20 working ipod.

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