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Posts posted by merk_master

  1. I believe changing the tune frequency of a T-line would turn it into a folded horn .

    I dont know much about a clam shell Setup . Is it possible to build within the constraints of 42W 34H 22D (15 ft^3 ). Can they be ported ? and will it pound?

    Are there any other Good Multi Woofer setups besides simple ported?

    Edit: Current design will accomidate 8 10's 6 12's 4 15's (all sealed) 2 15s (Ported)

    Edit 2: I believe the Sony 15's have issues of dust caps coming unglued

  2. My Current Setup is 2 Sony 10's in a T-line box (450rms) and I get asked all the time by local Enthusiast on what i am running. They say it doesn't sound bad at all for being sonys. I am tired of not being able to hit low lows. Its beyond my tuned freq.

    Edit: If anyone had box ideas post a pic of the style mentioned for us uninformed folks, Thanks

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