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Posts posted by jg23

  1. So I got this message on YouTube today. What do you guys think? I've never heard of this tv series

    Bass breaks cd clip request for Discovery channel Tv series


    My name is Olivia King, I'm writing from October Films, an award winning television production company based in London. We produce a range of exciting and innovative factual based programming for broadcasters globally, you can find out more at http://www.octoberfilms.co.uk/.

    The reason I am writing to you is because we are very interested in licensing one of your videos for a fun new science programme we are producing for Discovery International. The show will feature amazing clips from around the world and explain the fascinating physics, maths, chemistry or biology that made them possible.

    The clip we are interested in including is "Bass breaks cd -

    To be able to feature your clip in the show we need to be able to confirm that you are the owner of the original material (i.e. that you filmed it yourself/ own the copyright) and that you give us permission to use it.

    If you are not the owner of the above mentioned clip, I would be just as grateful if you could confirm that this is the case and if possible give me any indication of who is the rightful owner.

  2. yeah it was a versus thread. "will the sundowns be louder than the skars?" was essentially what you were asking. and i'd drop it unless you want to want to feel the wrath of nate some more.

    and i just told you you can message three different people about it.

    who knows it might be too late lol

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