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Posts posted by superdave07

  1. Ok ill check them out. I'd like to have RF but they are a little out of the spending budget right now. Kids are expensive. Thanks for the car comment. Im going to be posting my build log soon!

  2. well as of right now im using two PA fubar 12s. Ive had 1500rms clamped to them for a long time and they hold up very well. but i sold the amp and need a replacement. planning to be using two lvl 3 12s in it. I have plenty of battery power and wire. Just don't have very deep pockets at the moment. And its just a daily so it doesn't need to be crazy loud lol

  3. Im looking for a new amp for my daily driver. I need to be around 800-1200rms at 1 ohm. nothing crazy expensive, even a clean 600-800rms would be fine. Im working on a very tight budget with the new addition to the family growing like a weed lol. If anyone knows of something please throw it out here for me....thanks! :pardon:

  4. Money is the route of all evil. If money didn't exist the world would be a lot safer place to be. Then again, people would still steal lie and cheat, so it would only fix a few things. Money brings happiness, things you want, girls, respect. But then people respect you for the wrong reasons, girls want you for the wrong reasons, and you gain friends who are there for the wrong reasons. In the end you are alone. But i think i could deal with that to be able to have anything i want.... :drink40:

  5. I believe money brings happiness as long as you weren't raised wealthy. see myself with unlimited funds, I would Buy everything Ive ever wanted. But id invest it into a business, have my own company, and with the free time i have id give it back to the community. Help people as much as i can. I think eventually you would wake up and be bored with life. But thats when you pick up a new hobby :drink40:

  6. Ive owned both, im a Honda and air cooled VW guy myself. My family builds street rods an muscle cars. Other side builds bikes both import and domestic. Really just depends on what your wanting out of your car.....Go fast i choose domestic because its a lot cheaper. As far as building a show car import takes it for me, cheaper to build...Im into sport bikes over cruisers so i lean on import for that, but you can build anything and make it your own.


  7. I just don't see doing a real hair-trick in a trunk car without cutting the whole rear deck out of folding the seats down. my Accord does 146.6 on the dash and is tuned at 35hertz and it doesn't do a hair-trick.....And that is with the whole rear deck cut out, 4 12s and 1500rms. A long ways to go to pull movin that much air from the rear deck....

  8. You guys are tearing em down a little don't you think? All the guy did was ask what brands are good for daily listening and $2000. Making fun of him because he doesn't know that boss doesn't compare to RF? If he knew all the answers he wouldn't be asking questions on a forum. And you all have a hard time understanding what he is saying. Go to Argentina and try to communicate with the locals and see how it works for ya :drinks: I hope someone can help this guy in seeking some answers.....

  9. I was running a stock alt at first, and two yellow tops and did ok when running at 1ohm on 1 channel. dropped to 13.3 or so. But now running 2ohm bridged i put a 160amp alt on it and two more batts. Stays right at 14.1 at full tilt. May just depend on the vehicle also?

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