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Everything posted by riley2489

  1. OK never mind I like the free wood and all but I will go with the MDF since I don't want to go cheap with the C3s i am going to put in it. Also I got the Photobucket account but I still can't get the photos onto a thread or on this cite how do i do that?
  2. Ya i know the wood isn't right for the boxes but I get it for Free. Thanks for the help for the pics i will try to get some up and with the new box i will be building sorry it will be made out of my free wood.
  3. Well since i haven't yet figured out how to post pictures, I'll link you to my youtube. I have two videos of My brothers escort wagon we put together just for the Dashboard soundoff. One video of the old stereo in my Camaro, the Kickers have come out and I will be building a new box, and i will post pictures when I figure out how to do so. And there is also two videos of groundpounder2k2's Cavi from the dashboard soundoff on there. I hope you guys enjoy them, I will try and figure out the pics so i can post while i build the next box. http://www.youtube.com/user/riley2489
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