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Posts posted by somerandomguy

  1. Broken? Like broken for reals? Or broken like.. it fell off and can be popped right back on? little glue never hurt anybody..

    Complain to dealer (manager and/or owner), then bbb if they do nothing. and the belt could seriously just be coincidence..

    Balance noob

    :D Better to not balance them, just let them fall to one side or the other..

  2. most of the electri/hybrid cars run two charging systems. one involving the large batteries that the car runs off of when gas is not used and the other set is a 12 volt set to control the electronics.

    How would you recharge the batteries that control your subs though? They'd die like soooo fast.. and then you'd have to go plug that shit in for it to recharge so you'd get like 5 mins of beat out of it..if that. :angry::nea:

    Also, I think that batteries that are for your electronics are sealed and shit.. you wouldn't even be able to get to them for juice in the first place.

  3. What I hate is when douche bags with lifted trucks do this. Don't get me wrong, I love lifted trucks.. but it seems that almost all (if not all..) of them are douches and do shit like this (pass you in no passing zones while speeding and then high beam you for stupid shit) :shrug:

    I think you should of just stayed behind him and called the po po.. or looked on the back of his trailer for a "how is my driving?" thing.

    Semis are basically "made" to hit animals going highway speeds, and especially the trailers - he could of passed you and then "accidentally" turned back into your lane too soon, it wouldn't of hurt his trailer at all. :shrug:

  4. Well..still ugly. But from the looks of it in the video, I'd buy one of these before I'd buy a fucking prius.

    I wouldn't even be able to pick my girlfriend up from school in 1 full charge. yet I can spend like $7 in gas and make it there and almost halfway back.

    But.. are you saving the world? No, no you're not. What about those polar bear cubs that.. cry.. because you used $7 in gas?

    Never mind, it's okay. You wouldn't make a "difference" even if you did have a fucking prius...and the fucking polar bears would laugh at you :P it turns out that they weren't crying because of your gas usage, they were actually crying because daddy came home drunk with another polar bear and mommy and daddy got into a big fight.

    About the alternator or whatever, why couldn't they just hook up a generator to the wheels so that whenever the vehicle moves at all it's creating power? As been said.. you wouldn't have to use electric then, and that wouldn't go over very well. But whenever tons and tons of people get electric vehicles, more electric will obviously be used..where does that electric come from? Fossil fuels? Right.. isn't that the reason we "want" the electric vehicles? I don't know exactly what they burn to get electric (is it just coal? or all fossil fuels.. I dunno) but if nobody is using oil, they will start burning it.. to make electric. So here we have all these fucking retards driving around their ugly electric vehicles, and we are still using oil and such...and of course the price of electric will go up, you know that.

    To the guy that said you'll be able to charge the car like anywhere, parking lots, etc., uh..no. I sure as hell hope not. What, is there going to be some other kind of shit that I have to watch out for while pulling into a parking space?? Even if this were to happen, who is going to pay for this "upgrade" to the parking lots?

  5. 1. Weight does matter that much.

    2. horsepower and torque may be close , but lower horsepower and torque on a heavier car makes that much more difference.

    3. the horsepower and torque ratings may be at different RPM, something that puts the smaller motor way past it's stall on the transmission making it grab and go well before it has enough ass to get the tires turning.

    4. glad to see people on here are finnally using the COOL STORY BRO/BRAH meme correctly, yes it's supposed to be a smart-ass "you're a dumbass" sorta rebuttle.

    okay.. I suppose. Thanks for the .. explanation.

    I want some stickers.

    I'm sure the teacher has many, have all the stickers you want..

    Well, no. Story time is over for today.

    But, if you'd like.. you can have the whole fucking book of stickers?

    this must be your favorite saying huh ? you have said it once before and i dont think anyone thought it was funny bud but how about you get off the damn internet and do something constructive...

    Cry me a river.

    Edit: btw, I have no idea how you fucked up and added 10 extra

    's in there, were you playing with yourself at the same time or something? 80
  6. get a ZR1 if you wanna roast em.. or a smart car with a busa motor

    I don't want to "roast" them rofl and if I did, and had the money.. I'd get a 2011 mustang 5.0 8):good::P

    and if I had access to a smart car, no matter what engine it had.. it might accidentally catch on fire

    COOLEST FUCKING STORY I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE........ got time to tell me again?

    Well, no. Story time is over for today.

    But, if you'd like.. you can have the whole fucking book of stickers?

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