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Posts posted by Soapbox

  1. There are alot of us in the lanes 3 members from my team currently run DC with 2 of them at the top of their respective classes in MECA. I'm having a off or slow year because I started a new build to compete with. What ever class I end up in I will definitely strive to get first. I'm unsure what I class I will beable to fuse down to with the new 9k. JG had better step it up if he thinks he can hold on to S3 but I doubt I can fuse that low. I can beat that score currently without my new amp.

  2. I prefer to run the brace parallel to the port. Think of the air movement within the box and try and not make excess perpendicular obstructions. By placing the port like you are it is creating another loading surface. Think about it the air is coming back from the subs and bouncing off the back wall and hopeful into the port but you will be adding an obstruction 7" by the height of the port brace which could cause reflections. Just an idea of critical thinking it may or may not affect the box but I try and keep things inside as simple as possible,

  3. Well I checked in with both the Dr. and the Mom. Currently Nita is still in the water or should i say womb. She she should hit our shores 25th followed by a trip to the Dr.s Office for the normal checkup before getting released to come home. By the way my current db drag baseline test were a 14?.6 on 2k. I'm working on the nursery every day and will have some new meca scores to post after this weekend.

  4. Does the stork e-mail prior to shipping? Either we are 5 days out or 9 days?

    And I've came up with the name for my little girl.

    She will be Christened


    Nita some more batteries.

    Nita some more subs.

    Hopefully that is all she is going to Nita. But most likely like all my girls they never slow down with shopping.

  5. I see the alts in your sig but I don't still don't see enough electrical for 4 3500's for that power draw. Each of those amps can draw in excess of 250 amps x 4 = 1000 At that consumption rate it is highly doubtful your not clipping. No matter what options you chosse for the woofers your still going to dammage them if you don't finish up your electrical you have a good start but no where complete.

  6. Well what have you done to prepare for the arrival of your new amp or amps?

    I ordered a 9k and have did my best to make sure the new born room is ready.

    1. I ran six runs of zero gauge for it to suckle on.
    2. Made a new crib false floor for it to snuggle in.
    3. She's got 3 new dual midi fuse blocks to make sure she's not hungry
    4. 2 new woofers so she can holler put and pound when she has a fit
    5. 2 different enclosures so if she gets colic from being in a stuffy box she can let it all air out
    6. Ordered a new Alt no one can never have enough milk to satisfy a growing baby.
    7. Freshly painted room
    8. New black and silver stuff so the room doesn't echo or make nasty metalic sounds
    9. Now I just have to come up with a name for her.... hopefully she treats me better than my other girls

  7. In my opinion

    18" subs will fit properly in approximately 10 to 15 % of the vehicle on the road today with only 3-4 percent of the people who have room will run them. While 50% could run 15's but only a fraction of that group will actually run them. I personaly wouldn't mind the sacrafices to vehicle or space to run a set however in all of my builds I consider gas mileage of the vehicle loaded first. Nothing like 8-12 mpg for a big crimp in you pleasure.

  8. DC 9k, a pair of Sundown 4500's maybe? I say stay away from SD and Stetsom, they are strong amps but you will have absolutely zero customer service.

    Price is most likely going to make the decision for your. I would definitely Stay AWAY from Sound Digital and Stetsom. More problems than it's worth. 2 of my teammates got Warhorses and they haven't impressed me at all. I put my money with DC9k but that's me. I can't give you any experience because I ordered on the first run. However it is similar to the American Bass 1100.1 and this one my friend is a BEAST!.. Clamped results starting at .5 ohm with rise to 1.58 saw 9800!!! on 12 volt system! Sundowns are nice but expensive.

  9. As competitors we will clip if it's required to win! However, we try and avoid this but if your in a headed comp .... well a little smell for 30 seconds is better than a loss. My first one was completely my fault. The other ones we were trying to BLOW SA 8's, I myself have never had to recone a DC. The only subs I have had to recone are Sundown and PAP.

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