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Posts posted by Soapbox

  1. daum gotta admit thoes are sexy you still staying it s3 soapbox?

    I'm not quite ready for a debut with the new amp but I will say I can run anywhere from S2, S3, S4, and be VERY VERY competitive in all of them. I'm still working on the car and once in a while I see excellent scores. I can rule PP with the current enclosure but I am trying to find one that does good in both.

  2. The only issue with Scott getting 9k's is every time he post an outrageous score my teammates will be ribbin me saying see why can't you do that!

    Haha I have set my goals very high this next build :D You going to the 2x DbDrag show in June? There will be some VERY LOUD cars there this year :peepwall:

    Yea I believe you most likely it will be Team SSC taking 1st in all of their classes entered followed by the Lone Flex Issue member Ray and then some Audio Connection folks and maybe a bassick member if they even run the race anymore I only think one of them is active this season. I may have to put in the plastic cubby for the amp and toss in the cylinders and see what I can do with that setup.

  3. The only issue with Scott getting 9k's is every time he post an outrageous score my teammates will be ribbin me saying see why can't you do that!

    Haha I have set my goals very high this next build :D You going to the 2x DbDrag show in June? There will be some VERY LOUD cars there this year :peepwall:

    Yea I believe you most likely it will be Team SSC taking 1st in all of their classes entered followed by the Lone Flex Issue member Ray and then some Audio Connection folks and maybe a bassick member if they even run the race anymore I only think one of them is active this season. I may have to put in the plastic cubbie for the amp and toss in the cylinders and see what I can do with that setup.

  4. Well Nita on her first outing brought home a 1st place. I've got so much work to do before she is walking now she's still at the cooing and rolling over stage. We're not even at a crawling stage and are over 150 with 2 subs car off. I ran fused this weekend I bet there are a bunch of street class people in meca worried.

    Thanks Rusty

  5. Also, the price point. Buy a 4500 from SSA or $1700 or buy a the 5k from me or rusty for cheaper .... The 4500 is a 5k board.

    With the release of the sundown 4500 I believe the Jacob company jumped the shark. Furthermore, the continual changing of his lines is a real PITA. Makes me wonder why this comparison is so important the 4500 was just released less than 1 year ago and he won't be doing another run.

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