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Posts posted by soundman72

  1. well...honestly I'm a little spoiled. I got a steal on an audiobahn 500w for $35 lol....poor store had it marked wrong :)

    So i'm trying to hit around the $100 mark...yes I know...good luck right? If i have to spend more to get into something low level that is a "worth it" amp, i'll just have too.

    On that note; what do you suggest? logan?

  2. So i'm needing a new amp- 500w RMS, subsonic filter, cheap but not CHEAP built. you guys know :) hehe...

    anyway- saw some quantum stuff online and was wondering if any of you guys had opinions or horror stories...so let me know plz

    also- if you have any stories on lanzar, pyramid, basically all the cheap "mainstream" brands of amps that could be helpful too.

    Suggestions always welcome

  3. I owned a iBook for 4 years and it has been great, a buddy of mine actually bought it from me recently; 1.2 Ghrz G4, 1.xx GB ddr2, 60 gb HD, 32mb GPU. Now keep in mind things are "slower" on old computers only because at you have experienced something new and faster. It never gave me any serious issues or acted up; yes sometimes you might have to power cycle them (macs) or something else random might happen, but that happens with any computer. Our shop alone has gone through 12 different PCs, 10 Macs, and countless printers. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro for my return to college and have been pleasantly surprised with it the entire time.

    Now, yes.... the components that make up a Mac are the same as with PCs; BUT...............You pay for far far far far far far FAR less sh!t. Virus? ha.. Malware? ha.. Spyware? ...no.. "Oh but you just run software to clean.." Yes, but how about a computer than doesn't NEED that mommy care? Macs are not upgradable like most PCs, laptops obviously don't count. Macs can do anything (damn near- everyone can find a loophole) that PCs can, granted they are not the best for gaming unless you step it up to a higher end model. The feel of a mac is different than a PC, but it's all software related aside from a couple keys. I think if you're open minded about computers and not all "I know html...mmm...C++....mmm DOS monkey.." You'll be just fine; think of it as a new game console...just gotta get the hang of it.

  4. Hey guys-

    I'm wondering if any of you guys would be willing to trade somethings or do a trade plus cash

    I've got a set of the red and black Rockford 5 1/4 punch coaxials with separate XO that i'm not using- great condition, just new car won't fit them.

    I've also got a MASSIVE (brand) 2 farad digital cap, great condition- unsure wether i will use it in the future.

    Also, the possibility of a 15" Memphis PR in a 3.93cuFT ported enclosure

    And I might still have a half decent Sony HU-

    So...Of those things, plus some cash- Im looking to get a hold of some wire (approx. 15ft of 4-6-8ga) and/or a decent (cheap) EQ (along the lines of a clarion). If you want to trade, then sell this stuff- be my guest. I just don't have the time or want, to hold on to this stuff right now.

    PM me

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