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Posts posted by kogwanted

  1. ok so i have a 99 monte carlo and i wanted to get rid of it cuz im 17 and it was just a first car that i got when i was 15 so i got some left on the loan and i either want to sell it when i get the loan payed off and buy a new car. or i can keep it and make it nice.


    pros-cheaper gas money(i know throwing in a system will take that away) but i drive about 50 miles a day thats counting from school and back and then work and back its got to make atleast a little difference

    i love this car and i will love the idea of no knew car payment when i go to college

    it will be a fun project and wont cost a terrible amount to get it where i want it

    and last the insurance my insurance is very high right now as it being over 10 years old and my insurance agent said if i get anything over 2000 it will raise it way more so.

    cons-wont be rolling in a fresh whip,will have to work and spend cash,there is alot of cracks and spots of wear and tear and a few dents and other things that need to be cleaned up but if i decide to get the car i will fix up and repaint..... so let me know what you guys think. thanks peace

  2. "I was driving home but I wasn't" What does that mean? :rofl:

    So my subs were smelling bad so I took them to a local shop and had them adjust the settings on my headunit and amp and got it back and it sounded better than ever but I was driving home later tonight and I wasn't. Going full out but loud enough to feel and of course the dreadful smell of voice coil I smell so I turn it down and when I got home I checked them and they weren't smoking or anything so I feel them and one is warmer than the other what should I do or how could I fix

    ipod entered random ....... lol

  3. So my subs were smelling bad so I took them to a local shop and had them adjust the settings on my headunit and amp and got it back and it sounded better than ever but I was driving home later tonight and I wasn't. Going full out but loud enough to feel and of course the dreadful smell of voice coil I smell so I turn it down and when I got home I checked them and they weren't smoking or anything so I feel them and one is warmer than the other what should I do or how could I fix

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