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Posts posted by teamace24

  1. Many people hate on them had my 1500 for more than 3 years even got a 3 year warranty with it just in case since it wasnt a known brand yet but i even outlasted that.

    Had the hifonics 1600 as well and both amps were identical in terms of being loud on the same setup so that trade is pointless unless he has warranty or something like that and you dont and its transferable.

    When i upgrade im going to make sure i try to get as close to double the power as i can since many will not hear as much of a difference even stepping up to 2000rms on the same setup.

  2. Im not arguing the quality of parts "smart guy" but for what it does and the price its tough to beat for many daily drivers who want to pound. Also many of those prices are high because they are not as big as audiopipe therefore their products have to be higher to make some better profit with not much marketing avenues.

    Spending the extra 70 or so bucks on say an aq rather than saving that and putting that in to something else and just going with the ap is something i like a lot of other people are willing to do.

    Truth is i have had mine and plenty of other people have had theirs for many years plus even the ap 3000d has many fans that would defend it for again, what it is budget gets the job done.

    Go ahead and keep preaching YOUR and ONE other persons experience while many others are satisfied with their purchase. That companys doing fine without you just look at their newer lines they did something right in the beginning to continue to put out good products.

    Even some people swear by their mids and highs as well as some subs but whatever hater we agree to disagree.

  3. Have a friend who has a pioneer aftermarket headunit and wants to upgrade his stock dash tweeters to simply just run off his headunit and provide some nice loud highs.

    His budget is no more than 60 bucks for the pair and i was looking at the soundstream tws.3 i like the 2khz starting end on those but never heard them.

    Anybody recommend these or have some pair i can take a look at that have been used and heard by you. This will be headunit power only so need something that can take that small power and still sound loud and clean or close to it.

  4. Yeah whatever man the proof was done in my direct swap same equipment same everything so all that name calling is shit to me.

    Just because you had a bad experience you want to shoot down many who have had a good one. Im sure the components in the aq would last maybe longer or whatever say in 4 years plus but in reality if you take care of the amp giving it good voltage both would last a very long time.

    Many people have argued the sound of an amp from one to another is non existent and i cant confirm one or the other but i have heard many amps including an old fosgate 800 classic that i also compared and sounded great but not really a night and day difference it had over other decent amps now a days.

    Op give that amp a try and im sure youll like it.

  5. Owned an aq 1200 for about a year then bought an ap 1500 for my brothers car just to see what all the hype was about. Ended up swapping my aq for the ap in my setup to see how it did and I noticed zero difference in power or sound. Sold my aq and so far 3 years later that ap is still pounding in my car under my seats with little ventilation. Love the amp don't be scared get it and review it.

  6. Looking to put some selenium st200 in my 07 yukon rear. Its the 3.5 or maybe 3 inch speakers that sit way in the back by the hatch.

    I know some would say that rear fill would be useless and i usually agree something with far and loud output would actually benefit me. They point at me.

    I have ZERO experience with the selenium st200 so can anybody let me know how loud and clear these get? I was thinking about running them each off the pioneers 20rms would that be enough?

    Also if anybody owns the 06 plus yukon would these even fit or am i wasting my time?


  7. 25% sounds like i really wont need much right?

    I was thinking of getting like 10-20 square feet just to start since i have never done it so i dont want to buy more than i need, also im not trying to do the roof just too many electrical things on a 2007 yukon for now.

    I want to definitely do the rear side fenders and maybe just a little around the front 6.5 mid speakers on the doors just to see what happens as far as sound goes, thats it so 10 to 20 square feet to start is a little too much or too little? This was my last question thanks for answering everything.

  8. Yeah it makes sense but my main thing is not really controlling the flex more of making my bass sound better and cleaner.

    Right now when my bass is turned up i get a very plastic tinniness sound and my rear side fenders where the trunk is also seem to expand from the outside when the bass hits. This area is also where i want to deaden first but only if it will help with the sound of the bass im getting.

    I can live with flex no problem just want to find a way to make my bass sound better so is a thick deadener the way?

  9. I have everything setup right as far as my amps i know how to tweak them and yes the lpf is used on my bass amp.

    It was just a weird situation i was writing about how my headunits hpf was allowing and filtering bass when its always the lpf handling that and not the hpf which is for the vocals and highs.

    Im going to checj the rcas and hopefully they were put wrong if not ill be pretty lost.

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