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Posts posted by jeyrapboy

  1. rockford or cresendo... ive heard only good things and i think they have a pretty damn good price tag

    Thanks man. The alpine coax's i got up front are great but people in the back cant hear the mids and highs at all. SO i am moving those back there and buying something with a little more "punch" for the front.

  2. Okay you guys need some suggestions.

    I need some good components or coax's in the 50-80 range. That price is a LITTLE flexible but the whole price i want to be under $100

    I am moving the alpine 2 ways that i bought from n8 to the rear door and putting the new comps up front. For now they will be powered of the headunit, but later on down the rd i am purchasing a AQ 90x4

  3. My friend is a mechanic for Baltimore gas and electric. He works on all the big diesel trucks.

    Let's just say he is the farthest ahead of anyone I know who I graduated with. He's 21 with his own house and two cars. He just saved saved saved and worked hard.

    If it werent for my driving record I would apply every time its open.

    Awesome news bro.

    Thanks well the way the the company up here works is that for each category that work is need is contracted out. Well they will send out a bulletin and all these company's and they will "bid" and whoever has the lowest "bid" or asking pay price get the contract, well i am with a construction company and there contract has 2 extra workers approved for the end of the year. Well i am hoping that i get redone to were i can stay.

    Thanks bro!

  4. awesome dude the job market sucks so I know how clutch this is. Im a contracted employee as well. Want some advice? Work your balls off. do the things that nobody wants to do. Dont' complain and make yourself indispensible. I work my balls off but it pays off for me.

    O really? Thats cool.

    As far as working my balls off i have been there 3 days, done 7 tasks that no one wanted to do one of which is a 1 week job stripping and waxing floors. Also offered to work one of the positions at 2 of the other sites. Told them to call me let me know, when, where and what time to be there and i will.


  5. damm dude i myself have been looking for a job for like 4 months

    Dude the job market is fuckin brutal! The guy that i am workin/training with. He is a Fedex driver at night. Said that they cut his hours from 45 back to like 15....

    Good luck with the job hunt man! Dont give up... I hung in there and pushed through and finally it paid off. Even if its not permanent, its still some money coming in to get some stuff that i have been needing.

  6. Nice If things go well maybe you can have them help you through college and work your way into a better paying job in the company. Good luck.

    Oh yeah man for sure, There is ENDLESS opportunity's on a power plant.

    man i wish i could find a job like that sounds like a damn dream.

    Dude i am extreamly lucky that i have this job. I honestly still can believe it. I will never take it for granted that is for damn sure.

  7. Yea, when I used to detassle and rouge corn fields getting up at 5 and working till 3 didn't seem bad at all.

    For real i thought it was nuts and that i would never be doing something like this... Yea for sure, working this early is like when i worked 3rd. Everybody is like i dont see how you do it... Well i get the same amount of sleep the average person does. So my ass is in bed at a decent hour.

    If i fall asleep on the job, my ass is grass and that could cause some SERIOUS issues.

  8. Awesome, at least you'll have afternoons open!

    Yea man surprisingly i like getting up early and getting to work. I didnt think i would adjust that fast. I mean i love it. I can come home and spend time with family and friends and then crash around 9 or 10 so it really works out!

    Congrats Man. :good:

    Hard work always pays off. :drinks:

    Thanks man!

    Something that i will live my day by day life doing. I believe that hard work does pay off in the end.

  9. Congrats dude!!!! I myself have been looking for a job for 6 months as well and I got a call for a interview last Friday, interviews on Monday. Its for a machine shop, assistant position. I hope I get it.

    Wish you luck!! :)

    Hey man keep with it believe it or not. I put in a app for this company like 1 year ago. The machine shop in this place is something i could only dream of. Keep wit it mane! Good luck!

    congrats man bust your ass and you will have a better chance of keeping the job

    Oh man i bust my ass every single day... Plan to do so for the rest of my time there! :drinks:

    Glad to hear you found a job :drinks:

    sat. optional NICE! cant pass up some time and a half every once and a while

    Shit man you already know. I can go in at 5 am on sat and sign out whenever i want. SO i think i will be going in and putting 8-10hrs on 2-3 sat a month.

  10. Well you guys after searching HARD for the last 6 months i landed a job at LG&E (Louisville gas & electric) I am a general contractor doing some general maintenance around the place. It is very hard work. I am proud to say that i have been working my ass off the last 3 days and look forward to do so for some time. This is only until the end of December but if the contract is renewed i will be there for good. (crosses fingers)

    Anyways just a couple pics from inside.

    This is at one of there power generating stations.



    This is the turbine room. 6 turbines in total.

    mon - fri 530am-2pm (sat) optional i get paid time and a half. For being 18 this is HUGE.

    Sorry for the randomness but this has to be one of the greatest moments of my life so far. I work with a bunch of awesome people and get to see tons off cool shit. Not to mention that every second of every day is a learning experience.


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