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Posts posted by jeyrapboy

  1. You're solid man, it's really hard to make a big mistake picking out parts ESPECIALLY for a rig that isn't for gaming. If it were me I would be going with NV over ATi because of the reasons I outlined (plus flash acceleration advances faster with NV), but the tech is in its infancy still and you can always add another card later.

    Just be sure you can't buy it prebuilt for less. It's hard to beat the big guys now days. Normally as long as you get more ram through New Egg it's cheaper. While many people have horror stories about Cyberpower you can custom build a PC through them and often times it's cheaper than NewEgg. I had no choice but to go with them with my last computer (I've been putting them together since 93) because it was $350 cheaper.

    Thanks, yea i am going to check around, there is a couple of computer shops in my town so i am going to check there also. They have base models that start out at $99 and then when you start adding the price goes up. Also i am going to check best buy and other places to just to make sure. I mean this would be a solid comp but that doesn't mean i cant get something with similar specs for cheaper.

  2. Everything is moving to the GPU. A stand alone card being for games only is 2008 talk... NV leads the way there as far as a push to move more things over to the GPU so for your own benefit I would go with NV or don't bother. AMD is broke and their RND shows it.

    Thanks this is why i wanted to get some opinions before i make ANY decisions. That way i could tweak things if needed.

  3. Yea fair enough, But why not save on shipping and waiting and getting it anyway, means less upgrading later :P

    I'm very surprised how cheap everything over in the USA is... GOD DAYUM, i needa get my ass over there.

    Well right now money is kind of tight. This is something thats a huge inprovment over the laptop that i have now. Its 3 years old and still as fast as the day i bought it BUT, something with a little more power is wanted. Idk when i will even able to buy all the parts with being in the middle of a install.

  4. I see that you chose a mobo with an inbuilt graphics card. Even if your just going to be browsing internet and videos and stuff and you said you might do some minor editing, I bet you will every once in a while play a game :)

    Get a graphics card with about 256mb on ram, and it will keep you afloat with most games on low/medium.

    WOW: good price! http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814121360

    Well i pretty much plan on building this to see how it performs to my liking. My buddy also pointed out that if i ever wanted to upgrade the graphics its as easy as installing a new card.

    Ninja edit: I will NOT be playing games. I was never good at computer gaming. I have a ps3 for all my gaming needs.

  5. Looks pretty good, but where's your graphics card? I guess my tips would be make sure you ground yourself to get rid of any static electricity before you touch any of the components, and be careful with the CPU heatsink / fan, those twist push tabs can be a bitch especially for a first time builder.

    Edit: Oh forgot to add, do you have an OS or are you planning on "getting" one? Whatever you do, don't even consider Vista. Win 7 or if you wanna go the cheap route XP.

    Yea i have windows 7 on my laptop now and love it. That is prolly what i will go with for the OS. Also the MOBO has a built in ATI Radeon HD 4250, my buddy used this same one in his rig and said that it was really good for what he needed. Which is what i am going to use it for.

  6. Okay guys i am wanting a desktop and none of the name brands have the specs i want at a decent price. So i have decided to build one :woot:. Here is the parts that i am going to be putting in. NOTE: THIS COMPUTER WILL NOT BE USED FOR GAMING! This is just a computer for daily use and the occasional minor video editing.

    Here is the parts going in

    CPU http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819103688

    MOBO http://www.newegg.co...N82E16813128439

    HDD http://www.newegg.co...N82E16822136073

    PSU http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817371020

    CASE http://www.newegg.co...N82E16811129066

    Memory http://www.newegg.co...N82E16820231274

    cd/dvd drive http://www.newegg.co...N82E16827118032

    So what are you thoughts, also i am wanting to make sure that all these part will work side by side correctly. I believe they all should

    Also any tips for the first time builder.

    Any help is welcome! Thanks!

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