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Posts posted by jeyrapboy

  1. Well you guys here is what it looks like for now. Just went to walmart picked up 2 cans of $1 paint and some 100 grit sand paper. Sanded it down and sprayed it with the flat black. I am going to clear coat it or go with the other suggestion and spray it with truck bed liner witch would hold up better off road.


    Yes i know my jeep needs a bath.

    Also the markers will be getting smoked here soon along with the taillights.

  2. ok idk what the problem is but i had problems where they all wont play at all and now only 2 play and they sounds just like they should and the other 2 wont play at all ( they are all in chambers) i was just wondering what could be the problem

    you think it could be the ground? or what

    i dont think they are blown but idk someone told me i could tell if they were blown by pushing on them but idk what they will feel like if they are blown or not

    Okay so how many sub? what amp? how much power was each sub seeing. I need some more info. Also I live in the area you live in too man. Nothin else you could bring it over and i could give it a look over?

  3. Oh I misread, thought you meant it was coming off. Either way I wanna see the results; my friend has a maroon '98 that we may do this too (kinda needs more help than that, but I'll stay on topic lol)

    Well the paint on the actual jeep is scratched all to hell and needs some love. But as far as the grill its just got minor scratches. I will take some pics with my phone and then upload them tomorrow when i get home of the finished product.

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