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Posts posted by REaudioBuff

  1. Alright i have 2 hc2400s and 2 hc16v batts that im putting in the back of my car. What i wanna know is what the best way to wire them up is... Take the power coming from up front put it to one batt then just series that or what? Im running 2 t2500.1bds off them so i want all batts to be charging each amp. I will put a t1000.4 on them also but thats about 2 months away. Help me out guys i just wanna know what way would be best for power.

  2. sundown all the way man read this sundown is stable down to .5 ohm where rockford is 2ohm. sundown also produces more power with less voltage drop and scores higher on termlab.


    plus if you buy it new you get the warranty and sundown customer service is the best

    why do people have to post things that are completely wrong... When you like a brand say good things about it but don't tell something wrong info about a different brand... The t4000.1 @ .5ohm daily is fine but youll be seeing more like 5k+ at 14+volts... Although i would suggest getting 2 rf t2500.1bd's cause thats more, cleaner, better temp controlled amps. Either way Sundown is great so is RF it's up to you.

  3. so it really depends more on what your body type is... how much do you weigh? body fat %... What are your goals and what are your current maxes on bench, squat, deadlift, leg press, lat pulls, dumbell curls....

    I'm 20 5'8'' 200lbs.. I cage fight/ wrestled @ ucm... I squat 525, bench 365, deadlift 560, leg press??? well over 1500lbs... lat pulls i do 540 for 2 sets of 10 so idn... dumbell curls, 70 lb. dumbells for 5 each arm.

    My workouts are extremely hard and will push you to your limit.

    Monday is chest... No flat bench if you have been doing it for the last couple months. Start with dumbell chest press, 6 sets for 10 going up at least 20lbs per set. I start with 80s for warm up and end with 150s get about 6.. idea is go to failure on every set. You need a spotter for this... I go to failure on ever set on every lift i do.

    Decline chest press 4x10

    Incline chest press 4x10

    Cable flies 6x10

    Decline push ups 4x30

    go to failure on every set and increase weight by at least 20 lbs. If using plates then put another plate of the same size on. Take about 30-45 sec max break between sets. You do this for every body part and you'll be one of the strongest guys you know. As i said I'm 20 I work at 24 hour fitness and im one of the top 20 strongest guys in the gym for sure. We have about 10k members at my gym...

    Fore more workouts PM me ill help you out.

  4. Well when you keep stacking the connectors it gain LOTS of resistance. Buss bars imo are more clean and organized and won't suffer all the resistance from the way your doing it now.

    do you think that will fix alot? or do you think i might also have a fuse blown or something of that nature? I mean this weekend im going to take my subs and box out and re wire the batts re fuse it all and hope that solves it. But im just looking for ideas as to what else could help.

  5. so the audioque 2200d is by far the best choice for the money i would have to say. That would give you everything you want with power and those subs will be fine on it. Check out rockford power series amps as well. I'm kinda one sided to them but thats cause i run all RF and win alot with it. But its all about what you can get for what price.

  6. its a crazy sub that rf built to kill everyone in the lanes. they did that back in like 2003-04 and they went ahead and started making there best buy stuff then and going over seas shortly after that. These things are monsters but yea they really are meant for burping which is why i dont wanna let them go. 153.8 isnt bad at all for a daily driver non walled in modified 2000 watt class. See my thinking is if i get something like the dc lvl 5s which is what i was going with till i got a great deal on these monsters, but the lvl 5s wouldnt hit as good of a score i figured. They would also tear my car apart faster than these subs do lol.

  7. ok see im learning now. So what should i go for when im throw about 3500rms daily per sub right now. each of them are 15s and they are team rockford. True team rockford fosgate subs. the magnets are like 105ish lbs each and they are damn loud. just dont hit the notes i want and the spiders and such are from 2004. So i wanna update the materials i guess is what im saying. And how much would i be looking at spending per sub if i were to go with some of the better spiders and such.

  8. well damn man that sounds really good. im going to stick with the same spiders cause these things are stupid stiff and will not break. The cone and surround is what im looking for really. I want a thicker surround so it will alow for a bit more excursion. The subs as is dont like the low notes below like 32hz the box is tuned at like 36 37hz which should mean they could def get to like a 28-30hz tone without sounding bad... Maybe im looking at the wrong part but thats what my guess is.

  9. So im gonna recone my subs and I'm wondering if updating the surround would be a good idea. The surround that is currently on them is a foam surround that doesn't allow much excursion. Im thinking of getting a different subs recone kit and putting them together. Thinking like t3 tsns 15 or dc lvl 5 15. Would those go together with the team rf subs? I have a guy here locally that will be doing the recones, thats why im asking the noob questions cause im not doing it. But im thinking of keeping the spiders they have and the 4'' voice coil but wondering about a better cone and surround pretty much. Let me know your thoughts on combining the subs like this. Oh the magnets are like 105lbs each so yea they can handle whatever.

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