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Posts posted by nCOMP1337

  1. well the taillight itself isnt hard but its the body around the taillight being smashed in and crimpled real bad which is the problem, i believe i was told it would have to be stretched out and re molded or something like that

    im hoping it wont cost more than 500 for it to be fixed, blue book for my car is still quite good and when fixed im thinking of selling my car for about b1/2 to 3/4s of blue book price

  2. Alright I want to fix up the cosmetic damage to my car and since i have never paid for this type of work i want to know if the quotes ive been given are good car is an 1999 olds alero, white

    the passenger side fender is beat up bad, as i hit a tree driving backwards at 65mph (flipped 180 on gravel road, hit gas instead of break by accident, then tree)broke tire axle 90 degree angle, on the 3 good tired it still drove straiight onto the trailer, lol

    hood, crimped in the front by rear en ding a drunk driver (truck with a high rear end) the drunk driver ran a red light as i was running through a green light and i was on a road with a faster speed limit and i smashed right into him, he fled the scene, i was in a part of town i had never been to and all i knew was that the 1 street i was on took me home, ( i was about hour away form my house) also front buymper was busted up int his as well, its still attached but more hangs there than really being attached properly, but there is no risk of it falling off or anything

    back taillight on driver side, smashed in, crimped the trunk area around the light and even though trunk lid shuts, about an inch gap is there now, light works but busted up good(neighbor rear-ended me, we both were cool with it, his car had no scratches on it mine got dented good, fender was also dented but it popped itself back out

    driver side fender, not real bad, could leave that alone, but basically entire tread on tire blew clean off at about 70mph, broke my driver side mirror off(only mirror rest is intact), i couldnt open my door after it, but i pounded the bottom of the fender out and it doesnt really look bad now, but for a good price id fix it too

    driver side sideskirt bust a bit, but those really arent much to bother with, may just take them off

    thats the damage and how it was done, here are my quotes ive been given (now i will probably replace the hood and fenders myself as, those can be found cheaply at a junk yard and easy to replace, but i couldn't paint them myself)

    entire car (anywhere from 800-2000 dollars to fix all body work and repaint any color i choose) the guy that gave me 800 dollar quote, i can not find anywhere, as he worked out of his house, lol

    just to fix rear of car if i fix front, 500-1000

    best prices i ve seen or heard for hood and fenders if i replace

    25-75 for fenders (depending on local junk yard or if i drive for an hour)

    50-100 for a hood

    so im curious on if these prices are reasonable as iv e never had to fix or replace anything on the car body itself and i do not know any fabrication or fiberglass myself, if i could fix it myself some how id definitely like to try

    any and all help appreciated thanks

  3. No it was if you were running something from T3 they put your name in a box and picked,

    thank you for clearing it up, it was a while ago, i watch all the showtime spl vids and thats where i saw it, couldnt remember exactly

    also to ocbish, why cant a car audio company just give away stuff to people, they did say you had ot be running t3 stuff, i think sporting the company is plenty reason to give a shoutout to those who support your company and why not a better way then some more nice gear form your fav audio company

    if the tsns was more within my range id def get one, so nice

  4. ok i did that and it says this access denied you do not have sufficent privileges you have to invoke this utility running in elavated mode. i could go to 7 right now if i wanted to or any version of vista but i chose vista basic becouse this laptop is a dual 1.8 with 2g mem so im trying to keep things basic so itll run faster plus i play halo online here so i need things to run as fast as possible

    windows 7 should run better on that than any version of vista, vista was absolute trash compared windows 7, i think

  5. here is an easy way to see what actual space should be available and what actual size your harddrive is


    this software is free and it basically takes an entire profile of your computer and tells you almost everything about it

    example: here is what it says about my 500gb harddrive

    Hitachi HTS545050B9A300 [Hard drive] (500.11 GB) -- drive 0, s/n 100905PBN40017JESTBE, SMART Status: Healthy ( so i should be able to use 500 you would think)

    487.26 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity

    74.33 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space

    as you can see 13 gigs i cannot use, partly cause of OS partition but thats not 13gigs

  6. its not the os thats in the missing partition becouse when i put vista on there before i did anything it only said i had 299 usable now the hardrive was already formated and i had yet to put anything on there nor was there anything on there from the previos owner.now after formating the hardrive 2 more times same thing once i installed the os it says i have 280free of the 299 now thats an est but it was around that that part was the os so the other 20 gig missing cant be the os that im using atm

    basicaly what i wana do is delete the partition then re install the os so that way i can use the full 320 or atleast 310 with the os on there

    something else to keep in mind, you could have some bad sectores and such which i turn could drop the capacity of your harddrive, this is seen a lot on supposedly refurbished harddrives

    where did you buy your harddrives, a lot of online retailers are known for selling things new even if its refurbished

    can you go to start menu and type cmd in search, then type chkdsk, this should give you a quick run down of your hd and i think it will tell you how many bad sectors you have

  7. as stated already, HDs are partitioned for system and recovery files, plus i recommend getting rid of vista and going windows 7 as soon as its an option, just cause windows 7 is one of the few things windows actually got right

    plus the way harddrives are actually measured and actually made are a bit different, majority of manufacturers do not give you 1024 megabytes for every 1 gig, its more like 1000 to save on some space and cut some corners, so if you have a 320 gb harddrive, theres a good chance that based on the above logic your actual space could be only 7.68 gigs less than it really says it is (24*320=7680) (divide by 1000 and get 7.680) then add in the recovery and system partitions (most factory set computers put OS in its own partition and recovery features in its own partition, OS normally takes less than 10gb and recovery likewise)

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