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Posts posted by nCOMP1337

  1. Kynto I donthink its set up like that on here I could be wrong though. I think it would be amusing to limit them but dunk posts are not really that bad here

    im pretty sure something like that isnt set up o n any sort of forum software, lol and im sure its not needed, but due to the question being asked i gave an answer that may be plausible if something like that may be needed, plus im sure it would be quite fiunny seeing what was posted in the virtual drunk tank over the weekend, lol

    ive seen drunk guys ramble on before, i wonder if they can be coherent enough to type it out, lol that would be some serious dedication to SMD

    "I am drunk as hell, and cannot see, hear, walk, but by God I am typing the sh!t out this forum, so I can let my guys know whats up. Hey, hey you, guy, this is my 6....7...10th case of beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............forgot to lift my finger off of e, haha, and that some sh!t right there, man i must be drunk."

  2. Here is my final for my college photoshop class, basically we were supposed to take an image and render it completely in photoshop. I spent at least 85 hours on this over the last 2 weeks. Critiques welcome.

    This is the rendering I did of the original image, it consists of 136 layers, after the background is done it should be 140 layers.


    Here is the original image, I almost always do my work in 2-3 times the resolution I plan to print at and I always work at a larger file size by 2-3 times as to have best quality, also ion case I need this for something else and want/need it to be larger than original print. At one point my working file was over 2 gigabytes and photoshop apparently cannot save files of that size, my laptop took the workload like a champ while on eco mode (eco mode uses roughly 1/3 - 1/2 of system resources), its a Toshiba Satellite, i7-quad, 18.4 inch widescreen BEAST, love it


    and for easier comparison a side-by-side


    I think I will also make an animation form the bottom layer to the top layer of my final and then put it up on youtube, so people can see how the layers stack up and then come together to make the image

  3. at a vas of 791 liters, the tline or horn would have to be 10x that in length, not worth it. build at least a 10-12 cube (16 or 20 would be better) ported box and call it good.

    gthe length of a tline has nothing to do with vas, its completely based on the Fs of the sub , you take speed of sound..1130 ft/sec and divide it by the Fs to get a whole wave, then divide that number by 4 to get the quarter wave length which is what most tlines are, quarterwaves

    real tlines are done differently than that, they are not as easy to design, but have no place at all for spl only for sq/ht

    then what is the way to determine length of a 'real' tline

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