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Posts posted by bumpinTL364

  1. I really like the constructive criticism here. Yes I agree meds aren't always an option, although there are many different types and what I currently take is helping me quite a bit. There's a fine line between getting a break and getting help. I had no idea why I was doing so badly in school before I found out, and no it's something I can feel and control almost all the time. I try to work as hard as I can, I love being active and living a full life (I'm no fat ass with parents who just want to give excuses). I do like this school because of it's curriculum, but I really feel like I've been losing out because the classes I took last year were so much more advanced than what I get here. Another one of my problems/concerns is that I missed a lot and will have to catch up, but I'm willing to take classes during the summer to go back.

  2. Get out of a school that just makes excuess for kids not being able to concentrate. Sorry not trying to talk down on you but the fact that we have schools just to help kids concentrate is insane. The kids need to focus they can if they want to. Switch schools, the colleges could look at the high school your at now and see you need a handicap and will not want to deal with it.

    this is very true. I'm only here because I had a crap last year because I didn't know till the last term of the year. Most of the kids here seem like just total fuck offs, in and out of school. my GPA here is a 3.9, at my old school it'd be like a 3.5-3.6. And honestly, there are some classes and people that are so stupid that I literally feel insulted to be in the room.

  3. I know I'm just a sophmore, but this choice has really been kicking my ass. I'm currently at a school specifically geared towards people with learning disabilities (I have ADD) that is pretty well known but not for academic excellence but rather academic support. I'm in the top 10 of my 105 person class, play sports because they are required, and take a half-assed music production class (for credit more than anything else). The school I was previously at is very prestigious academically as well as known for sports. I would be in about the top 30 or 40 students of a class of 350, and have extra circulars in Jazz Band, music production, hockey, wood-shop, and design and engineering. I want to go to a school like Texas Tech, not necessarily an Ivey League school, but somewhere with a well-known technology curriculum. Which do you think would look better to a college?

    EDIT: the school I'm currently attending is Private, the school I used to attend is Public.

  4. Hey guys, I'm doing a school project on how the immune system works and my teacher wants us to create a 3D model to exemplify how it works. I was thinking of showing a chemical reaction where one substance sort of engulfs and destroys/absorbs/neutralizes another substance. My two ideas were setting fire to some gasoline to show how fever (fire) eliminates the toxin (gasoline) or how saliva "attacks" and breaks down starches (like bread). Anyone have any ideas that I could show in a classroom but still be kind of cool?

  5. ah sorry guys, didn't know I'd be this confusing... here's a link to "speakers" http://www.parts-express.com/wizards/searchResults.cfm?srchExt=CAT&srchCat=955 now that you point it out they really are the same thing... I guess what I was getting at is if a "speaker/driver" were to have enough range to produce the frequencies of both a mid-bass driver and a tweeter (I know this doesn't even sound right to me, but I know I've heard my woofer playing mid-bass parts with the cross-over setup to do so), would it be more efficient/cost effective and sound just as good as using a tower that included two separate drivers for mid-bass and highs?

  6. I'm looking into building a small 2.1 system for my room and want to know what kind of differences I would see if I used "speakers" or made small towers with a mid-bass driver and tweeter, both hooked up to just a sub and multi-channel amp. I don't really feel like I need much mid-bass because I'm building this system to focus on getting lower and louder, but sound/track quality is definitely a priority. Keep in mind my room is SMALL, I'm going to use either 3 4"s or 2 6.5"s for my bass set-up, so nothing drastic.

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