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Posts posted by bassHZ

  1. Dude the job market is fuckin brutal! The guy that i am workin/training with. He is a Fedex driver at night. Said that they cut his hours from 45 back to like 15....

    Good luck with the job hunt man! Dont give up... I hung in there and pushed through and finally it paid off. Even if its not permanent, its still some money coming in to get some stuff that i have been needing.

    thanks man i aint giving up sometimes i think that maybe if i was 18 i would get jobs easier got (6 months to go) and also need a driver's license

  2. want to install an alarm this will be my first didnt get the alarm new so no instructions got to go off the wiring list that is in the back off the alarm module watever is called . my question is the module says door trigger (+) wire yellow and door trigger wire (-) does that mean that those are the wires i should use for the door locks ? it also says channel 3 is that what i should use for the trunk release ? this is the wire diagram for my car http://www.modifiedlife.com/1988-chevrolet-monte-carlo-car-alarm-installation-guide/ am going off that

    wait but i also thought that door trigger meant that it was letting the alarm know the door was open that way the dome lights turn on

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