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Posts posted by langsdon2

  1. I wont even lie I may have missunderstood the convo, but we have a rule about talking about pricing, and that's what I seen.

    Then you wanted to argue with me about it, then you cried to meade, thats breaking 2 rules there alone, I could have dropped the hammer right then and there if I wanted to, but I didnt, so this is what your gonna do if you want to hang around here longer, your gonna follow the rules to a T, if not I'm gonna drop the hammer.


    It only makes sense to not talk about pricing. Thats why sites like DC dont post pricing, they want you to take that step and contact them so you do not ever get false informed about anything.

  2. SMD forum is becoming this way. You see more people bashing on one another than complementing. THis ia car audio forum, we are all into the same hobby lets act like a family and not enemy's.

    Anyways that really sucks, i had that problem like 2 years ago or so. James said it could possibly be the rca's needed ground, and thats what i did and the pops and humms and buzzes stopped.

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