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Posts posted by TheBetterMethod

  1. Hey guys,

    I just got my second setup put together a couple weeks ago, and I'm already thinking I need more.

    My question for you guys is:

    How long does it take for you to get tired of a system or build. I mean, to get bored or

    lose enthusiasm for it, or to reach the point where you are no longer impressed.

    I feel like I've already reached that point, and it's only been a couple weeks. <_<

  2. Don't buy animals via mail-order. They generally are from puppy mills, which are disgustingly inhumane.

    Animals from mills generally have behavioral, mental issues as well. Considering the pup is young, he will

    easily be trained and conditioned out of his overeating habits. Give him the recommended amount of food

    and don't let him eat things he isn't supposed to. Buy animals from local shelters.

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