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Posts posted by CaPRiCEx383

  1. I liked it. Passed it way too quick, But it was a good game, It wasn't really predictable on what would happen next. I rented it Saturday night, Played sunday during the day, and finished it on Monday. Still have it now, Gonna try and grab all the achievements I can before I return it to redbox.

    With that fast forward option, you can skip from level to level fast, but it kills out stumbling upon the achievements as you play hunting for animals to hold more ammo ect..

    Hang gliding all over the place blah blah, there is so many things to do aside from missions it can take up a lot of extra time where the game isn't completed in a couple days. I dont use the FF button unless Im going back to a home base to get more ammo. then I will skip back where I was, If you really explore on your way to the next mission it does become a true game of survival, all kinds of predators after you, especially when the sun goes down

    Then its a good thing I never used that option until after I was done with the game. I would drive to the next mission and get attacked/ambushed by pirates at least 3x on the way. But I played the main game first, now I'm doing all the side missions, I just liberated all outposts last night.

    And to who was asking about the heavies, It was a Bitch/waste of ammo killing them until I found out the a land mine or C4 or an RPG will tear their shit up quick! LOL

  2. Well, Just want to give an update to this. They got my battery and checked it, ran numerous test and they said it was working fine. I knew what I seen before I sent it in, The battery was bad, But they didn't fight me and say it was my fault or I was crazy. They simply said, we ran test after test and it was fine, But we will send you a new one anyway. That's what I call customer service, You have a customer for life in me. Didn't turn and try to blame me, Not fighting me at all, A lot of companies wouldn't do that for me and just say well it tested fine so we will send it back just the way we got it. Want to say thanks and close this thread on a good note.

  3. Well, I bought a D680 last year on AudioSavings, Got here floating at 12.7, Used it as my primary Battery for about a month or less, Then added two small AGM in the back. Well about a month ago my car was taking longer to start then usual. Yesterday i unhook the back batteries and the car wouldn't start with just the D680, Right before i tried to crank it the floating voltage was 13.1. As soon as i cranked it everything went dead on the car, two minutes later tried it again, Floating at 13.1 still, Crank it, DEAD. Nothing happens. Hokked the back batts back up and it started no problem. Just want to know if i can send it in to get looked at or what can i do, I also wanted to ask if you guys have some kind of upgrade plan where i can send this D680 in and pay the difference for a D5100R.

    Car is a 97 civic 4 banger, Not much needed to turn it over.

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