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Posts posted by zachfowler222

  1. ok

    so if i ordered these led's..... all i would need to do is hook them to a 12 volt supply? ....reason im asking is because before i used a led from an alarm and wired it to a 12 volt supply and it blew .... idk if the alarms led was 12 volts or if i needed something else so to be safe what all do i need?


  2. How good is the quality of the aq amps?

    and if you were referring to me in the turned all the way up I have my bass boost all the way up and my gain 3/4 the way up.

    they are really good amps imo.... and TURN YOUR BASS BOOST OFF! all thats doing is clipping you subs and will blow them......

    "if you need to have bass boost on your system NEEDS some bass boost"-steve meade

    but i dont think you should get a AQ1200 for a 1000 watt sub.... they do over rated... they will do like 1400 to 1600

    someone i think rick on here did 3k out of a aq2200

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