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Posts posted by kleinteich2

  1. I got it for free so I'm just playing around with it. These amps are not shit. I have 4 of them myself and they have no problems what so ever. They have been hooked up for 2 years now. 2 strapped and two more strapped running 1.33ohm daily. They are shit when u run them at low voltage. I've also suggested close to 50 of these amps and hooked maby 40 of them up for people and I have always said to people "if u run it low on voltage, it will blow shit up." Sent about 10 of those 40 back. So a 20% failure rate all coming from user error is pretty damn good to me. I'm just trying to extend my knowlage here guys, not bashing. Srry if I offend anyone because I love and support my budget amps that I have put through he'll and back for the past 2 years.

  2. I got it for free so I'm just playing around with it. These amps are not shit. I have 4 of them myself and they have no problems what so ever. They have been hooked up for 2 years now. 2 strapped and two more strapped running 1.33ohm daily. They are shit when u run them at low voltage. I've also suggested close to 50 of these amps and hooked maby 40 of them up for people and I have always said to people "if u run it low on voltage, it will blow shit up." Sent about 10 of those 40 back. So a 20% failure rate all coming from user error is pretty damn good to me. I'm just trying to extend my knowlage here guys, not bashing. Srry if I offend anyone because I love and support my budget amps that I have put through he'll and back for the past 2 years.

  3. I got it for free so I'm just playing around with it. These amps are not shit. I have 4 of them myself and they have no problems what so ever. They have been hooked up for 2 years now. 2 strapped and two more strapped running 1.33ohm daily. They are shit when u run them at low voltage. I've also suggested close to 50 of these amps and hooked maby 40 of them up for people and I have always said to people "if u run it low on voltage, it will blow shit up." Sent about 10 of those 40 back. So a 20% failure rate all coming from user error is pretty damn good to me. I'm just trying to extend my knowlage here guys, not bashing. Srry if I offend anyone because I love and support my budget amps that I have put through he'll and back for the past 2 years.

  4. Lmfao.. I know Alot about electrical repair. I've just been wonderg why the audiopipie schematic calls it a power inductor.. the schematic I have is straight from the factory

    in China. So it might just be the translation. Idk. But thanks for the input guys. This is not my first repair.. lol

  5. ok. well obveously he dnt have a strong enough alt to carry what the car is demanding to keep 14.4v at his amp. SOO. keeping his regular 12v for the frnt and having two stepdowns for the cars electrical, and having the 16v alt for the 14v batts in the back would keep his voltage at bay where he is wanting it. in his case hes already got 1 14v batt hes stuck with, so he would ony need the alt and the stepdowns for him to have what he is wanting.

  6. not trying to thread jack or anythin, but, wouldnt one 16v alt with a stepdown for the rest of the car work better? i mean u could have yur 14v constant to yur amps(like yur wanting) and u would have a constant 12v system from the stepdown for the rest of the car.

    You usually need two stepdowns to run a car properly. Honestly its not worth it.

    but honestly it would be the "RIGHT" way to do it.

  7. so i ran across this thread on the net with this guy screaming at a guy telling him about how 14Guage wire is good enough to power any car stereo amp in the world. i laughed my ass of at him and this is what he said.

    "You know, I've been saying that for the longest time.I work for a company that builds large power transformers (substations, etc) and I'm in the wiring department.

    When we wire up 1,400 watt heater elements, we use two 10 guage wires traveling a distance of over 50-100 feet through rigid conduit along with 40 other wires bundled together.

    If anyone can read, they can see the rating on the wire itself... the 10 guage wire and insulation will handle over 2000 watts and 1000 VAC, depending on what you buy.

    So, I'm not right sure who the hell started the trend of running a 4 guage wire to a single 1,000 watt amp on DC voltage.

    And has anyone ever heard of a Meggar test?

    I bet not.

    That would be where we pump 2,500 DC volts into the wiring to check for leaks.

    The wire never even shows the first bit of heat.

    ...we run that test on 14 guage wiring as well.

    It's just crazy how these audio manufactuers try to suck a little more money from people saying "a bigger wire means more thoroughput!". It's really not neccessary."

  8. well dont worrie about trying to help your costumers. thankyou for all your input but as i get called "The Mastermind" I came up with a solution to fix This ridiculous problem. its ok for now. but in the future i will be replacing this cone anyway. again. i had to ghetto rig it to work but it works fine. i had to make one side of the Spider landing higher than the other side. causing the coil to become completely straight on the pole again. the cone is hitting crooked as shit but it works. already tested it on 1900W RMS @30Htz for about 15 mins and it works fine. <_<

  9. No...we did not send you the wrong thing.

    The only flatwound coil that any BTL gets is the old 2 stack version...for those who order the flatwound coil we contact them and say you really do not want it because it is not going to work at all.

    If you want it chief, you got it. But don't say I didn't tell you so when it sucks.


    how dcome i got a flatwound for a old tripple slug D1. and honestly iv never had any one contact me about it. i received the "new Coil" i guess.

  10. can i ask how in the heck you have blown 20 BTL's? I had more power on mine and they lasted 2yrs........and are still in brand new condition. Not laying any blame, just askin because that is very odd for someone with only 2 1500 watt amps on each one. Maybe your sig is outdated and you have different amps now?

    lol. im glad i havnt blown that many. iv reconed some for others. just never had this problem before.

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